12sky2 pvp server

  1. Orhan12SKY2MT2

    SENA2.8 version + Database+Web Panel + Autopacther(Release) Twelvesky2-karahan online-12sky2-source kaynak kodu

    Hello, I will publish the server files of SENA2.8 Please friends try to upload these everywhere. I want to see PVP servers, not p2win servers. We hope you have a good time in a new community! Before we start, I want to touch upon one issue; al3css '' [Re-Release]12sky1 serverfiles'' After...
  2. Orhan12SKY2MT2

    GENESİS PROJECT NXT WireShark 2024 (karahan+twelvesky2+12sky2+Full Project)

    After a long update; We continue to support people and the community with new Games There were many developer contributions; WireShark Chris-1412 -yey- -mersky -Twelvesky1-alpha games -bruce bro -Orhan -akami -happiness -optimistadam -murat k -HSM -itachi -marky -NXT old team -Genesis old...
  3. Orhan12SKY2MT2

    FELIXAT ONLINE // NPC editing

    You must be registered for see element. Hello friends Pharmacist NPC; We explain content editing Price editing and Structural Logic Don't forget to spice up your game All Files are available in Client versions. In the future, we will also share FELIXAT ONLINE files with you. You must be...
  4. A

    TwelveSky2 New Server - [Server Exp: x200 Drop Rate x5]

    New Server - LastOnline Announcement of Our Game, LastOnline Dear Players, We are excited to officially introduce our new game, LastOnline! Our game begins at level G1 and is designed to reach its peak at level G12. However, we are committed to keeping the game up to date with new content in...