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dragon nest

  1. D

    [Findings] Private Servers with Viruses

    You must be registered for see element.
  2. Recording-2024-06-17-191637.jpg


    Dragon nest m cap 140
  3. T


    I decided to do this because it's not the first time I've encountered a request to play offline. Use for evaluation purposes only! Files are protected by the famous protector (who wants, can get everything). Link: You must be registered for see element. Pass: "Who served the Red Dragon from a...
  4. shlve97

    [All good now ty ] SQL Server does not exist or access denied. IP not change :(

    SQLError #SQLDriveConnect# (08001) 17, [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Not Connect MembershipDB Ip:192.168.32.xxx Port:43002 DBName:DNMembership DBID:DragonNest I don't know how change Ip address from 192.168.32.xxx to
  5. askmyleg

    3D online game [Valley of Dragons] V526 version VM one-click server + client + GM tools + GM mode + video tutorials

    Version Description. The game is based on the Dragon Valley 4.39 standalone version; Version 17 occupations, computer game; Synchronization 489 big wings, new 3-piece set Special martial arts; GM tool registration, recharge coupons, set the GM function Updated Description: Ver.3.0 Ver.3.0 1...
  6. A

    Release Dragonest Mobile 1.6 NEW 2023 with video tutorial +tool complete pack

    You must be registered for see element. Dragonest Mobile version 1.5 and 1.6 Tools for modification will update in this post soon Link Download Client + Server : You must be registered for see element. Link document txt nya : You must be registered for see element. Link document txt...
  7. dhenmas210

    PVP Rank List

    hay guys, can you share how to get list Rank 1:1 You must be registered for see element.
  8. Elman370

    Add lucky zones

    Hi. Do not tell me how to make it so that the icon is displayed, when you hover over it, a list of instances of luck zones is displayed? An example is given in the screenshot. You must be registered for see element.
  9. Elman370

    Running a server on a remote machine

    Hello. Do not tell me how to start the server on a remote machine so that you can connect to the server remotely? It turns out only to start the server locally. When I try to start remotely, I can't connect to the server. Difficulty I test with configs. I do not understand where to specify the...
  10. muhmursalind

    [DNM Hurricane] Server, Patch Without Hurricane And Tools TxtToBytes

    sharing is caring hopefully it will be useful and you can release your own server Dragon Nest Mobile - Hurricane 1.44.40 Link : You must be registered for see element. Password : 8888 Patch Dragon Nest M Hurricane 1.44.82 Link : You must be registered for see element. Password : grq2 Review...
  11. G

    Help-me pls ! I am stuck on chinese tutorial

    Hello, Recently I downloaded files to install a private dragon nest server: You must be registered for see element. I followed the first part of the tutorial which was to install the sql server database (2019). All went well except that the password had to be a strong password. The installation...
  12. imskaa

    Cash Shower in PHP CODE

    <?php // Set database credentials $serverName = "ServerName"; $connectionInfo = array( "Database" => "dnmembership", "UID" => "Username", "PWD" => "Password" ); // Initialize variables $updateStatus = ""; $cashAmount = ""; // Check if the form was submitted if...
  13. imskaa

    Showing Server Statistic using PHP file

    i am using curl becouse the game server and web server are not in same server // Total Account or Account.php <?php // Connect to the database $serverName = "ServerName"; $connectionOptions = array( "Database" => "dnmembership", "UID" => "Username", "PWD" => "Password" ); $conn =...
  14. imskaa

    Get Ranking from database into PHP Code

    <?php $serverName = "ServerName"; $connectionInfo = array( "Database" => "dnworld", "UID" => "Username", "PWD" => "Password" ); // Connect to the SQL Server database $conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo); // Prepare the SQL query $sql = "SELECT TotalRank...