
  1. CompaQ

    Engine.exe offsets

    Hello guys, I want to ask A question about offsets this is an offsets for engine.exe 2019 ```static signed int(__thiscall *AddFxToBone)(void *player, int targetID, const char* name) = (signed int(__thiscall*)(void*, int, const char*))0x007BA2E0;``` Tools->Intercept(ITools::_I_CALL...
  2. N

    How add effect's for costume/suits skins?

    I need for add effect for costume/suits, I have no idea how I can do this, I need to code something, any help me plz
  3. K

    New Keypresser For KalOnline 2024

    You must be registered for see element.
  4. S


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