
  1. secaolol

    L2JMods - GithubL2J 

    I don't know if this would be useful today. But the idea is to have a git where mods can be added based on pack or revision, and each mod can be improved, fixed or adapted by users. I think this would be useful for beginners who want to add mods to their projects! You must be registered for see...
  2. secaolol

    VoteSystem ICPNetworks 2.8 by SageBRL2J L2O 

    You must be registered for see element. This is my attempt to somehow make the script usable. Remembering that the ideal is someone with real ability to work on it. I'm just trying to improve it in my spare time. Always configure it like this: line 1 = Top ID / line 2 = Token ID How does...
  3. secaolol

    Home Page by 4TeamBRL2J 

    You must be registered for see element. Hello! I bring you a homepage for your servers. I hope you like it, I'm still improving and editing the code. The user can only access your main site through this page. If they try to access your site directly or a specific page via the URL, they will be...
  4. Matrixane

    Emulator Source L2J (SHARE)L2jMobius Essence 7.3 - SevenSigns "1-DEC-2023" "PROTOCOL 447" + CLIENT 447 +SOURCE CODE 2023-12-01

    Greetings to All ..Found this a new version PAID PREMIUM FILES FROM L2JMOBIUS LAST SOURCE PREMIUM!! 01-12-23 FREE FOR ALL!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: L2jMobius Essence 7.3 - SevenSigns PREMIUM FILES (SOURCE FULL CODE) You must be registered...
  5. B

    L2J Mobius Latest Source + ServerFiles copiled

    L2JMobius BUILD+SOURCE from 20-4-2023 (from an other forum) Mirrors (Folder) You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see element. Mirrors (1 file) You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see...