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  1. bzzbzzb

    [RAN WORLD] The New Adventures Latest Updates GS EP12

    Hi guys! đź‘‹ This is Biggie, Admin and Game Developer of RAN WORLD The New Adventures. We are thrilled to invite you to join the latest adventure in RAN WORLD: The New Adventures Private Server! Our team (Me :amongmental:) have been hard at work, and we're excited to announce that the game now...
  2. bzzbzzb

    Umbella rendering on Shapper GS

    I am wondering about umbella rendering logic on Shapper class. I do find that some skin object file dose not work when using INT Shapeshift. I am not sure where or what should I look into? This Item is working You must be registered for see element. INT Shapeshift You must be registered for...
  3. Riseops3361

    How to setup time tyranny and all event in GS File

    How to setup time tyranny and all event in GS File. what file name . thx all
  4. bLaZer21

    [SHARE][SPLIT SOURCE][GS]Buff removed upon moving to another map

    Hi! Here, this released split source is for GS only. Always back up your source code before modifying it! Also, like the post if this helped you. :msmile: Let's start! find case EMFACTEFFECTPROCESSING_MOVEMAP: at GLCharacterEx.cpp find case EMFACTEFFECTPROCESSING_MOVEMAP: at GLCharClient.cpp...