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  1. tyranny.online

    [SHARE] Asura Ran Online(TH-ENG) Source Code - No More Selling

    Asura Ran Online Hidden content -based on Juver Source Code UI Based on Episode 9 -No Type B function -Character Window reference UI GS -Skill Window reference UI GS -Inventory Window reference UI GS -Party Window reference UI GS (16 max party) -Mini Party Window reference UI GS (16 max...
  2. Bennington

    [HELP] Stuck on character list after relogin

    Hi, can someone please help me with this? I've create 1 character on 1 id, successfully login to campus, but when i do relogin, this happened. I do read some thread about this problem, i do create a ChaRebornNum coloumn & parametes on dbo.ChaInfoUpdateBase, but still stuck on this problem...
  3. N

    I would like to ask all fellow developers to share their views on the stamina system.

    If the game ran online has a stamina system That each person will have a limited amount of time to find items and level up. For example, if the character in that ID has stamina 300 minutes or equal to 5 hours if we level up and find items over the 300 stamina specified. From 301 onwards (you can...
  4. weedeej

    [HELP] Game Crashes After 5 seconds into the game

    Hello! I am currently exploring RAN Private Server Development. I am using EmpireZ's Implementation of Juver Source from You must be registered for see element. Everything is going smoothly, Until I log into the game. After 5 seconds (Exactly 5 seconds. I timed it), The Game Crashes/Closes...
  5. WoozyFoozy

    Disable Gold Locker Deposit

    GLogicData.cpp Find: bool bMONEY_DROP2FIELD = true; Add Below /*disable gold deposit in locker, Jeey-, 2023/5/6 */ // Note : ----------------------------------------------------------------±â´É ¼³Á¤. bool bENABLE_DEPOSIT2LOCKER = true; // µ· ¹Ù´Ú¿¡ ¹ö¸®±â °¡´É ¿©ºÎ. GLogicData.h Find: extern...
  6. WoozyFoozy

    Wrong Thread

    GLogicData.cpp Find: bool bMONEY_DROP2FIELD = true; Add Below /*disable gold deposit in locker, Jeey-, 2023/5/6 */ // Note : ----------------------------------------------------------------±â´É ¼³Á¤. bool bENABLE_DEPOSIT2LOCKER = true; // µ· ¹Ù´Ú¿¡ ¹ö¸®±â °¡´É ¿©ºÎ...
  7. WoozyFoozy

    Skill Effect Visibility for unlearn Skill

    Any idea from this? the other one is from other file(not juver base), the other one is mine(juver base).
  8. WoozyFoozy

    Item Upgrade Visibility in Item Inventory with Colors

    ItemSlot.cpp Find: SetNumber Add Below void CItemSlot::SetNumber2 ( int nIndex, int nNumber ) { CString strNumber; strNumber.Format ( "+%d", nNumber ); DWORD dwColor = NS_UITEXTCOLOR::WHITE; /*adding colors base on item upgrade, Jeey-, 5/26/2023 */ switch(nNumber) {...
  9. ieszafri99

    Extreme Missile Problem

    i want change to missile damage not melee damage,coz it extreme reboot Kindly help me solve this problem.already check in classconst still no luck, You must be registered for see element.
  10. bakasiveryan

    Hello, can help me how to edit skill effect in Ran Online.

    Hello Good day, Can you help me how to edit skill effects in Ran Online. Or Can you send me the link specially for INT type Archer. Max level 175 Last skill 157. Thank you very much.