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  1. wuxevuze

    RageZip.com (Upload Tester Needed)

    Hi, I am working on rahezip.com to stop dead links. I an in need of a upload tester who can upload a large file and report upload speeds and download speeds based on there location. If you are interested please visit You must be registered for see element. or You must be registered for see...
  2. Thrarion

    [Aion] Server with working geoengine looking for more testers before relaunch

    You must be registered for see element. [Relaunch] Hivegamez Aion Testserver with working GEOEngine and about 80% (content/mechanics) fixed in total ONLINE - steady development - free 2 play - online more then 1 year allready and developed since then - started on ragezone Web: You must be...
  3. O

    [Mu Online] Season 18 - Looking for TEAM

    Introduction: Season 18 middle xp ( x2500, drop 60% ) are looking for close beta testers. Server in this moment it is at 75-80% DONE. We need just to adjust some things and test everything. Available Positions: We are looking for this testers positions: - Drop Tester ( drop from boss...