
Join our community of MMO enthusiasts and game developers! By registering, you'll gain access to discussions on the latest developments in MMO server files and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Join us today and unlock the potential of MMO server development!

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  1. L

    Travian T3.6 Custom Project [Vanilla]

    Dear Community, My older brother and I have undertaken the work on an old vanilla Travian server running on version T3.6. We currently have two servers running, one for playing and one for testing and development. We're looking for more players to join us on this adventure and would love to...
  2. L

    AI that isn't Natars?

    Dear Community, Is there a way to create a user and make them AI? For example in the latest release of the Shadows Travian Files you're able to generate AI Users en masse, you can pick their tribe and all that but the villages just get spawned and never move or build anything. I was wondering...
  3. L

    [solved] Error importing database. Check configuration. | Travian-Z T3.6

    Hello dear Community, I've been pulling my hair out for three hours now and I can't manage to install this on my dedicated host on Hostinger.com. I keep getting the same messag when trying to continue to the next step. I'm not really familiar with PHP and stuff like that but I'm on the edge of...
  4. J

    Travian 4.5 with 6 Tribes, Hospital & City

    Don't play You must be registered for see element., it's too dangerous! Watch out this YouTube video about our latest SERVER You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see element. Inspired by Travian Legends 4.5 unique private server that include 6 tribes with...