Server Rates
* Version: Season 6 Episode 37
* Experience: Dynamic 120-50Х
* Item Drop: 30%
* Gameplay: 100rr MAX. First Started [10rr] Every Week up 5 more Resets
* Reset Level: 400lvl
* Keep Stats: No
* Reset points: 350 x Reset Number
* Reset Zen: 10M x Reset Number
* Clear PK Zen: 10WC,10GP
* Stat Points Per level: 7
* Chaos Machine Succes Rates: Normal
* Jewels Success Rates: Normal
* Bless Bug: OFF
* WebShop: OFF
* 3D Camera: ON/OFF
* Monster Spawns: All Maps
* Online hour Bonus : 2WC/3GP
* Castle Siege Event Fully Working
* Hall of Fame Event
* 18 Invasions
* 16+ Events +DestinyZone Custom Quest System
* 20 Custom Wings + 4th lvl Wings
* ItemBank Fully Working!
* Golden Archer Fully Working
* Chaos Card Master Fully Working
* After the official launch , DestinyZone will NOT RESTART!
* Server Location: Europe/Bulgaria**