⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️

Prices of lucky sets have been reduced from 30k per item to 10k per item.Reduced the talismans that can be bought with ruud for 2nd level wings from 15k to 10k and for 3rd level wings from 40k to 30k.For the changes to take effect please download this patch or update through the game launcher but after closing all clients.Increased feather drop and cross in ikarus.Zen drop increased.Condor It will be released later in the game.
Update 0.2 7/11/2024Fixed Ancient Plate GlovesFixed Ancient Spirit HelmFixed Ancinet Scale GlovesFixed Ancient Scale BootsFixed Mix 10 Imp = 1 DemonFixed Mix 10 Angels = 1 Spirit GuardianZen drop increased.In Kalima and Barrack, the most zen falls.Added Zen Coin in lorencia bar.One zen coin is sold and bought for 1 billion, this was done in order not to collect zen in inventories and chests, but to buy Coin. Coin has been added to the Jewels Bank.
Added double exp up to 30rr. End of week 15/11/2024 resets are raised to 50.

Added vip for every new registered player for 24 hours.

Added all buffs when creating a new character for 24 hours.

Added Panda,Panda Ring,Wizzardy Ring for 24 hours.
X-shopAdded Jewel of Socket in X-shop, you can buy it for WcoinC and for Ruud. The jewel adds an extra hole to your socket item. The maximum number of sockets is 5.Added Zen Coin to the X-shop, you can now buy it with Ruud as well.Added Talisman of Luck now you can buy it with Ruud as well.BC 1Door and statue HP reduced.Added double exp up to 30rr. End of week 15/11/2024 resets are raised to 50.Added vip for every new registered player for 24 hours.Added all buffs when creating a new character for 24 hours.Added Panda,Panda Ring,Wizzardy Ring for 24 hours.
Update 0.5 16/11/2024

The maximum number of resets has been increased to 50rr.
Master level has been released to 100lvl.

From Today, 70 quests will be released.
Update 0.7 17/11/2024


Fixed the cost of Seal of Wealth.

New voting sites have been added. You can find them in the Voter Reward section of the site.

Slight cosmetic changes, you can download this patch. You can download it through the launcher, but to be sure, download it from the site's Download section.


I recommend that everyone download the patch and put it in the game directory. This way you will avoid bugs or crashes in the client.

I wish you a pleasant game.
Update 0.8 23/11/2024Master ResetA Master Reset has been added. The rewards from it are:Condor FlameCondor FeatherThe Master Reset gives you 25,000 points to distribute and resets your character to 1 reset. After completing 50 resets, you will have a total of 50,000 points.QuestNew quests have been added, which you can view here:Link 1Link 2The latest quests in Vulcanus also reward WcoinC.Fix FilterThe issue with the filter blocking certain words as forbidden has been resolved.Dungeon GhostThe coordinates of the monsters have been fixed.Castle SiegeThe first event will take place on 8/12/2024 at the usual time.The rewards from this event will include a box obtained through a mix system, with a chance to drop level 380 items with 3 options.In the Land of Trial, ancient items will now drop from the spots.The Metal Balrog spot will grant Rud every hour.To fix the coordinates of the Ghost and the filter in the game, you need to download the patch from the website.If you have any doubts about an incorrect quest or incorrect configuration, please submit your ticket here:
Update 0.9 24/11/2024

380 Level Items

Removed the level requirement to carry these items.

Off Store Place

Removed the extra map to launch your personal Store. Now you can launch your personal Store anywhere in the city for Bless,Soul,Chaos,WcoinC,Hunt Points,Goblin Points.

Master Reset Reward

The reward from the master reset now drops it into your inventory. You can see the rewards in the previous update.

Chaos Castle

The issue with the event is being worked on, and I hope everything will be fine soon. Please be patient.

Donate Action

Currently, until the end of the year, there is a 20% bonus when purchasing WcoinC.

In order for the settings to take effect, I advise you to download the patch from the site.

https://s6.avroramu.com/ Come and Enjoy with Us !!! AvroraMu Classic Season 6 Ep 3 !!!!
Update 1.0 25/11/2024

Starter Pack
Added level 2 starter pack.

Golden Invasion
Added ruud reward for every invasion killed.
Increased the number of golden invasions.

Mini Boss
Added Mini Boss:
Ice Queen - Davias 4
Gorgon - Dungeon 3
Balrog - Losttower 7
Hydra - Atlans
Zaikan - Tarkan 2
You can see the awards here:

Red Box and Purple Box
Added Red Box in x-shop which is bought with ruud and drops socket items from it.
Added Purple Box in x-shop which is bought with ruud and drops Tier 2 Ancient items from it.
Purple Box costs : 2000 Ruud
Red Box costs : 4000 Ruud

Increased the drop of the following bosses:
Medusa, Selupan and Pharaon
Of these, 3 players each get 3 items

In order for the settings to take effect, I advise you to download the patch from the site.
Update 1.1 29/11/2024Jewels InvasionFrom the invasion, there is a chance to drop a bundle of 10, 20 or 30.
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Fire Flame Ghost
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Jewel Of Life
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Jewel Of Creation
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Ruud and Hunt Points
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Lunar Rabbit
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Jewel Of Chaos
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Ruud and Hunt Points
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Pouch of Blessing
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Jewel Of Soul
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Jewel Of Bless
AvroraMuTM - ⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️ - RaGEZONE Forums
Ruud and Hunt PointsI advise you to download the new client from the site. A client with sound and without sound has been added.