⚔️AvroraMU |S6EP3 Classic|Exp200x|Drop:30%|Official Start 2/11/2024 20:00h ⚔️

Update 1.6 10/01/2025

Currency Convert
Added Currency Convert on the site you can exchange WcoinC for Hunt Points.
Link: https://s6.avroramu.com/index.php?id=currency_convert

Added the seeds in Lorenzia shop for Hunt Points.

Master Level
Increased from 200 to 250.

Added Scramble event every hour. To answer the question you need to write /s and the correct answer. The reward for each correct answer is 1 WC , 2 Hunt Points , 10 Goblin Points (Ruud)

Facebook Event
A facebook event has been added, if you want to participate you need to like the server page, share it and write reviews. After completing the steps, you need to post a ticket here: ⁠〔🎫〕avrora-ticket and send photo and your account. When everything is reviewed by an administrator, you will receive the coins in your account.
Server Page:

PVP Events
Next week a few more PVP Events will be added.