[0.99.88T] After Death, Regen MAP

Experienced Elementalist
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
004DEF61 . 8B45 F8 mov eax, dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
004DEF64 . 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
004DEF66 . 8A88 09010000 mov cl, byte ptr ds:[eax+109]
004DEF6C . E9 FC060000 jmp GameServ.004DF66D
004DEF71 > 8B55 F8 mov edx, dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
004DEF74 . C682 09010000 00 mov byte ptr ds:[edx+109], 0 ---> lorencia

004DF66D > \83F9 01 cmp ecx, 1
004DF670 . 75 05 jnz short GameServ.004DF677
004DF672 .^ E9 FAF8FFFF jmp GameServ.004DEF71
004DF677 > 83F9 23 cmp ecx, 23
004DF67A . 75 05 jnz short GameServ.004DF681
004DF67C .^ E9 F0F8FFFF jmp GameServ.004DEF71
004DF681 > 83F9 25 cmp ecx, 25
004DF684 . 75 05 jnz short GameServ.004DF68B
004DF686 .^ E9 E6F8FFFF jmp GameServ.004DEF71
004DF68B > 83F9 26 cmp ecx, 26
004DF68E . 75 05 jnz short GameServ.004DF695
004DF690 .^ E9 DCF8FFFF jmp GameServ.004DEF71
004DF695 > 83F9 27 cmp ecx, 27
004DF698 .^ 0F85 1FF9FFFF jnz GameServ.004DEFBD
004DF69E .^ E9 CEF8FFFF jmp GameServ.004DEF71
Re: [Guide] [0.99.88T] After Death, Regen MAP

Goe, I use server 99.98VTM, i run GS normal okie but i run GSCS, and have error : "Webzen Game MU is already running"
thanks fix
Re: [Guide] [0.99.88T] After Death, Regen MAP

So for this.. the character will Regen in Lorencia? Or is this where the character will regen when he dies in Lorencia?