1.02N Client/Server English Patch

Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
SuperMonkey (Used 99.65 message_kor to translate 1.02N)
loberia (Told how to edit blue text and converted mygsfun.ini to english)
ADM_KRIOK (Giving me good bmd editors to do this with)
Ragezone (Of Course)
Myself Converting the rest to english

This is pretty much full english, Some item names are still chinese/teste im workin on this today, And one event shows up as ***whatever in chinese*** Other then those 2 things its english. Item wise other then teste items very few items are chinese, Ancients is a main type thats chinese.

MSB English
MyGsFun.ini English
Client 99% English
Monsters Names English
"M" Menu English
MyGsFun.DLL Blue Text Fixed
Entering Map The Names English.
More To Be Added

This is all I could think of. Atm will be update once I get the last things fixed.

Soon to be release: All commands working.

Command|What it does

/prop = propose
/mary = marriage
/divo = divorce
/ware = warehouse
/icef = The ice wind fort
/draw = draws money

/take = takes the integral
/post = post messages

/answ = answer

/huwi = husbands and wives
/maot = marriage otherwise
/hawc = husbands and wives concentric
/frtd = folk remedy to divorce the
/HELP = Help

/open = to open
/clos = the closure
/inte = integral
/tdtm = to deliver the minute
/attr = attribute
/apad = application assassination duty
/aiwf = application ice wind fort to attack the city
/supp = support

Will release tomorrow, No im not lien. But wana hold it off to not be nice ^^

lordvladek - 1.02N Client/Server English Patch - RaGEZONE Forums


P.S. Leave things you find not english here.


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Plss give Shop by new Item 1.02n thx

if you mean season2 sets>>

7 34 9 255 0 1 1
7 35 9 255 0 1 1
7 36 9 255 0 1 1
7 38 9 255 0 1 1
8 34 9 255 0 1 1
8 35 9 255 0 1 1
8 36 9 255 0 1 1
8 37 9 255 0 1 1
8 38 9 255 0 1 1
9 34 9 255 0 1 1
9 35 9 255 0 1 1
9 36 9 255 0 1 1
9 37 9 255 0 1 1
9 38 9 255 0 1 1
10 34 9 255 0 1 1
10 35 9 255 0 1 1
10 36 9 255 0 1 1
10 37 9 255 0 1 1
10 38 9 255 0 1 1
11 34 9 255 0 1 1
11 35 9 255 0 1 1
11 36 9 255 0 1 1
11 37 9 255 0 1 1
11 38 9 255 0 1 1

lordvladek have translated item(kor).txt ?
All commands added... As for messages in English a whole lot more to work on that. Itll be a while untill i get everything english with this so just wait a bit im releasin the mygsfun.dll with all commands in a couple hours.
lordvladek: i use your files but i cant teleport to kanturu tower.any idea?
can you make gate to arena? i teleported to lorencia before i enter arena via stadium

btw, thanx for your great job.
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Np, and yes ill fix the teleport, its a gate.txt and gat.bmd problem and the kantru tower dont work atm, im goin to figure it out in a bit when i get home from school. I have the correct gate number just not the correct name for it.
Np, and yes ill fix the teleport, its a gate.txt and gat.bmd problem and the kantru tower dont work atm, im goin to figure it out in a bit when i get home from school. I have the correct gate number just not the correct name for it.

god speed lordvladek.thanx for your effort..
[Request]can some share their client editor

i need help coz i cant edit my bmd files and others in the client
i have a bmd file editor but when i edit it and change text in the text.bmd it is change but when i enter the game it does not change

can somebody help me withis
or upload thier client editing or tools coz i think mine has a problem