1.02Q Server. Chaos Machine & 2nd lvl wings & +13 items

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May 5, 2004
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I have a 1.02Q server and I have some problems with the chaos machine:

1- The chaos machine fails when making 2nd lvl wings, no matter if common wings have luck or don't and no matter what kind of exc items i put. I want to put the 2nd lvl wings rate about 100% or change that very very low rate, but i don't know how. Do I have to edit my gs or just some configuration files?.
To make the common wings it doesn't have problems.

2- I want to make +13 item at 100% but i can't get 100%

Thanks, and sorry for my english

PS: My GS is in chinese or some language i can't read. Anybody knows what the menus says?
im have this problem too... jewel of soul and blue feather drop very low :( pls help me with this.
Srry for my english...
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well if you happen to have the same version I do, click on "gameserver-pt1" then inside look for a file named "dandanweb".

Next look for:
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Re: [Help] 1.02Q Server. Chaos Machine & 2nd lvl wings & +13 items

SuccessRate11 = 100
SuccessRate12 = 100
SuccessRate13 = 100

My server 102q still get fails (like 1/10) with this setting above.
any1 have same prob ?
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Re: [Help] 1.02Q Server. Chaos Machine & 2nd lvl wings & +13 items

i have problem like every1 who was write here, but friend said secret:'if you buy a jewels of shop the things can't reach a +11 some can't +10, but if you got a jewel of monster you'll see, success will be more then 50%', and i was try and i reach 70% with 1 jewel, but don't try with 2 jewels, maybe it will be 100%

sorry for english
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Re: [Help] 1.02Q Server. Chaos Machine & 2nd lvl wings & +13 items

Version: Goe 0.99.88 release 06/04

in mygsfun.ini
soul = 0 -------------- 100% for items without luck
soulluck = 100 -------- 100% for items with luck
life = 0 --------------- 100% JoL

in FNRGSSet.ini:
SuccessRate10 = 100 100% success for lvl 10
SuccessRate11 = 100 100% success for lvl 11
SuccessRate12 = 100 100% success for lvl 12
SuccessRate13 = 100 100% success for lvl 13

Wings lvl 2 :
I made it like this: 1 wing lvl1 (devil, fairy, angel) +3 +28, 1 exc. item +13+28, 1 loch's feather, 1 chaos. It shows 90% success rate, but never failed to me...

Cape of Lord:
1 wing lvl1 (devil, fairy, angel) +0 +16, 1 exc. item +9+16, 1 loch's feather+1 (=Crest of Monarch), 1 chaos. It shows 90% success rate, but never failed to me...

Most likely the wings lvl 2 will work 100% with 1 wing lvl1 (devil, fairy, angel) +0 +16, 1 exc. item +9+16, 1 loch's feather, 1 chaos.
But I never tested it, OK?^^
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Re: [Help] 1.02Q Server. Chaos Machine & 2nd lvl wings & +13 items

Z80 its sux.Chaos mix must be fix.I must put 100% enchant of JOL?or put to the shops?Well its not a good idea but still something new
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