100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Under My Bed
Ive worked for 4 hours completing this and making it 100% english.
It is Item(kor).txt and Item(chs).txt for lang folder inside Data.

Supported Versions for this :
// Version - 1.03N
// Version - 1.03A
// Version - 1.02S
// Version - 1.02Q
// Version - 1.02N

As long as the Server has Season2 Built in, this release will work.

////////Item*.txt Key/////////
//INDEX Column
//0 = Swords
//1 = Axes
//2 = Maces and Scepters
//3 = Spears
//4 = Bows and Crossbows
//5 = Staffs
//6 = Shields
//7 = Helms
//8 = Armor
//9 = Pants
//10 = Gloves
//11 = Boots
//12 = Wings-DL Scrolls-Jewels-Orbs
//13 = Jewelery-Event Items-Mounts-Combination Items
//14 = Potions-Event Items-Combination Items
//15 = Scrolls
//ItemSlot Column
//-1 = Inventory Slot
//0 = Left Hand Slot
//1 = Right Hand Slot
//2 = Helm Slot
//3 = Armor Slot
//4 = Pants Slot
//5 = Gloves Slot
//6 = Boots Slot
//7 = Wing Slot
//8 = Mount-Imp Slot
//9 = Pendant Slot
//10 = Ring Slot
//XPos and YPos Column's
//Depending on what these value's are, this is how many inventory
//slots they take up.
//Example - 2 under XPos and 2 under YPos, this is 4 inventory spaces.
//Serial Column
//0 = Does not use a serial
//1 = Will use a serial
//Option Column
//0 = This item cannot have an option
//1 = This item can have an option
//DROP Column
//0 = This item will never drop
//1 = This item will drop
//DropLevel Column
//This column depends on your monster levels in Monster.txt
//Change these levels to suit your monster.txt and needs.
//ItemDefence Column
//This depends on how much defence you want your items to have,
//It is how much defence the item has as +0 normal.
//ItemRate Column
//This column displays how much rate items have, you may change it.
//IceResist-PoisonResist-FireResist-LightResist Column's
//This displays how much resistance items have to the elements.
//LevelReq Column
//This displays how many levels you need to use this item.
//ItemDuri Column
//This column displays how much duribility the item has.
//ItemSpeed Column
//This column displays how much speed that item has.
//ReqEnergy and Cost-Zen Column's
//Displays how much that item costs if bought from a shop, and how much
//energy it requires to be learnt.
//MagicDam Column
//Display how much the item does in magic damage, (Mainly Staffs)
//Strength-Agility-Energy-Vitality-Command Column's
//These column's tell you how much stats the item needs to be equipped.
//SoulMaster-Gladiator-BladeKnight-DarkLord-MuseElf Column's
//0 = Cannot be worn by that class
//1 = Can be worn by that class
//2 = Is one handed

You must use an item.bmd client side corrisponding to your item(kor/chs).txt
configuration, or you will have one hell of a buggy server.

THIS ITEM.TXT IS BEST VIEWED IN ( Notepad with FontSize = 8).

IF You view it in WordPad or anything else, it will look all buggy.

P.S. If you need the DataServers (Serverside)and Item.bmd (Clientside)
to go with this, please post.

I will be releasing 100% English Quest's and Skill.txt in the near future.

Item.rar attached (This is the item.bmd for clientside corrisponding to the item(kor).txt

message_kor.wtf attached below, (99.88+99.96) (Fully reconfigured and translated,) 100% working

100% english Monster.txt


Last edited:
Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

how do you convert item.txt into item.bmd by the way? i can only do the other way o.o
Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

how do you convert item.txt into item.bmd by the way? i can only do the other way o.o

I didnt convert the item.txt into the item.bmd, i reconfigured the whole lot to be exactly the same as eachother :) takes time but i did it ^^, now im doing the Quest(kor).txt and the Skill(Kor).txt, so expect alot more releases in this thread. Everything will be exactly the same as eachother (item.bmd and item.txt / skill.bmd and skill.txt / quest.bmd and quest.txt)

If you need any custom configurations for items to be made and you dont know how, send me a PM and ill do it for you.

Also, if you need any other things translated, please leave a post in this thread stating what you need translated, and i will do my best to get it done for you.
Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

did you test it? cuz seems its crashing the gs_cs (99.96) and my client also :/
Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

did you test it? cuz seems its crashing the gs_cs (99.96) and my client also :/

99.96 Normal server or modded S2 server for 99.88? That is a season 1 server, please read up the top of the first post:)

It says :

As long as the Server has Season2 Built in, this release will work.

I have tested these translations extensively, and they work 100% for me.
Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

i see... my bad then ;P

i read it too fast so the title looked like 99.88 99.96 when it is 99.88 99.66

Re: [Release]100% English Item(kor)/(chs).txt (99.88-99.66)

Thanks a lot Nick-Name - if you need fast server to upload just tell me, i'll make you account.

Thank's very much, As soon as i start releasing a few more things, ill be more than happy to ask you :)

@ Any Rz Mod : Can you please change the title of this thread,

Change 99.66 to 99.96, sorry for the inconveniance.