100+ Rounds?

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 28, 2006
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How do you add like 100 rounds to your matches and all that. I edited the gametypecfg.xml and I placed that in my mrs, it still didn't work....
Modify the packet opcode 1314 "Stagecreate" to display however many rounda you want or create a hack that hooks zcreatestage and make a struct for it and inject the value that way......
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Where would I modify that without hacking?

You can't since its coded inside the exe.

Don't ask me how to do what MackInTosh wrote since I wouldn't have a clue, but I know he is right since that is the same method used by hackers on ijji Gunz to create those large 20000 round rooms.
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You can't since its coded inside the exe.

Don't ask me how to do what MackInTosh wrote since I wouldn't have a clue, but I know he is right since that is the same method used by hackers on ijji Gunz to create those large 20000 round rooms.

It is possible using IDA, which is a very successful debugger, You can do alot with it.

You can edit it in the .exe using various tools, What MackInTosh said Shouldn't sound so hard, It can be done in C++ Form and done as a DLL He basically means to update the address from GunzOld and then taking control of ZCreateStage and setting the ammount of rounds. I wouldn't bother doing this as you'd get alot of dll's floating about in your folder. You can always just make the Gunz.exe load the .DLL and make the DLL hidden to prevent seeing the DLL.
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