2.0.6 Repack (Compiled)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks to Jonse/PvPede from HS
PvPede's & Jonse's Guide :
2.0.6 Server

1) The Downloads :
- First make a folder called 'MaNGOS' or something =)
- Then Download:
2) The Extracting Etc..
- Go to the MaNGOS Folder
- Then Extract :
1. The DBC files into a folder called 'DBC' (Make it by yourself if it doesn't create it)
2. The Precompiled Bins (The Debug), Is needed, and extract it to your mangos\ folder..
3. The Source IS NOT NEEDED !
4. You can use the AD.exe or download maps
5. SQL Database - Extract in a folder called 'SQL'
3) The Setup
- Make a MySQL Server etc
- Download The Navicat
- Connect to your host
- Make a new database - Call it 'mangos2'
- Extract :
1) The file in the Database Folder (Database.rar) folder =) - mangos2.sql
2) Wait to it getting finished
4) Mangosd config :
- Go to the mangos folder
- Then open:
1. mangosd.conf
Find :
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;7788;mangos2"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;7788;mangos2"

Change it to:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;YOUR-Password;mangos2"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;YOUR-Password;mangos2"

2. Save & Close
5) Realmd config
- Go to the mangos folder
- Then open:
1. realmd.conf
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;7788;mangos2;"

Change it to:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;YOUR-Password;mangos2;"
6) The maps:
- Download them
- Place them in mangos folder
- So, it should be Mangos\maps
7) Account Creation:
- Go to Navicat
- Open your connection
- Go to Realmd -> accounts
- Find the '+' icon
eL3v3nz - 2.0.6 Repack (Compiled) - RaGEZONE Forums

8) Finish.
- Run mangosd.exe <- Let it load until it say 'BEEP' =)
- Run realmd.exe <- Let it load in 3 secs
9) The Connection:
- Go to your WoW Folder
- Find realmlist.wtf
- change it all to:
set realmlist
- Open wow and play ;D

You have now created a 2.0.6 Server ^^


Fanatik - Creating the 2.0.6 Files & Uploaded Them!

Post for problems =)
(Yes, I will actully help you guys with this, even though it's quoted :) )
sql corrupt?

Anyone else having problems with the sql file being corrupt? running Navicat batch then the mangos2.sql starts then aborts after a few seconds!
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yeah i had the same thing i used SQLyog to do it but its still not working it seems to be the cause of most of the errors. if anyone has this db in a working order please upload it somewhere for us to use. thanks