2004 What a shitty year

Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
Anke Morpork
2004 has been a terrible year for me, My freinds are all dropping like flys! First Ricci Parker and Kev Wratten (R.I.P) Died in a horrific car crash and then a few months on a long time freind of mine Ricardo Walklin (Ozzie R.I.P) dies in a terrible bike accident, for all of you fortunate to never have lost a freind or a family member always remeber racing cars or bikes might seem like fun but it is a massive killer, i know what your thinking "Im a great driver, it wont ever happen to me" but you could be the greatest driver in the world, all it takes is one mistake and it could be you!! i dont expect any of you to take this seriously because it doesnt directly affect any of you but i ask you please, use your brain, learn from others pain and loose, and dont let it happen to you or anybody you care about, i learnt the hard way by being in a crash myself but i was lucky but my freinds wasnt!! Think b4 you decide going out for a drive with your freinds and think b4 you get in your car drunk or anybody elses!!!

ive been in 2 car crashes, worst i was in was when i was around 8ish , i whacked my head i kinda didnt know wtf was going on.. i still blaim my father to this day for that accident but it wasnt his fault..

And even if your a great driver, it takes a terrible or drunken driver to hit u to kill u.

Yup, my oldest brother has that attitude of i'm a great driver, well first of all he isn't, now he rides on a scooter, his scooter is insured, but he isn't, because you need a certificate first, untill you got that then you will still pay the full price if something happens, and when it does then no matter who's fault it is, he will have to pay as he hasn't got a certificate.

So if he gets into a accident with a drunk person on a bike and that person has to go to the hospital and all then he will have to pay for the bike, and the hospital bill, no matter who's fault it is.

But yeah he still claims he is a great driver and won't have that problem...
Wise words man. I'm taking full note of everythin sed. Gl with everythin. RIP 2 the guys that r gone
Sorry for you again Maka, I do indeed know how it feels to lose a family member, so RIP to your friends. (not to sound rude or anything, but doesn't RIP sound so harsh compared to "Rest in Peace"?), yea, think sensibly before doing stupid things.
i lost my closest cousin 2months ago. i hadnt seen him for 4months because he was in switzerland as a shallay host person.. He was 20 and died on the slopes, whats wierd is he only had a tiny scratch on his chin and a cut in his hand where they put a drip in.. his aorta burstin his chest.. he wouldnt of known a thing..apparently when they helilifted him he was still concieous and the first thing he said to the paramedics was "it was my fault". he was one of the best people i ever knew and i looked up to him as an older brother since as far back as i can remember.. I was a coffin bearer at his funeral and i nearly dropped the coffin because i was cryin so much.. I think about him every day as everyone whos ever lost someone will. Also yesterday would of been 19years ago my sister Leah died. So im feeling pretty messed up atm.. but on the brightside i found someone who loves me and thats a first in 18 years.. so u know things could be lookin up?

i know what u mean tho.. tbh its jus the world its gettin more and more fucked up each and every day. That poor amercian soldier that was beheaded. not sure if anyones seen that video but i dont recommend it.. the sounds give u nightmares for weeks.

Best thing to do in times like these are to talk to friends and turn on people for support coz u wont get through anythin on your own unless uve got a split personality. :S

Peace out!
QuikS said:
yer i know wot u mean... i was a prick at driving and wrote off my car and nearly killed me and my mate :( but i was lucky and lernt my lesson and now im just a calm driver :)
yeah sensable.... and yet you got into the car with me when i decided to go on a drink drive n drove down country lanes at over 90mph while VERY not sober.... lol

not gona be doing that again tho... prolly one of the most stupid things ive EVER done!