2004 has been a terrible year for me, My freinds are all dropping like flys! First Ricci Parker and Kev Wratten (R.I.P) Died in a horrific car crash and then a few months on a long time freind of mine Ricardo Walklin (Ozzie R.I.P) dies in a terrible bike accident, for all of you fortunate to never have lost a freind or a family member always remeber racing cars or bikes might seem like fun but it is a massive killer, i know what your thinking "Im a great driver, it wont ever happen to me" but you could be the greatest driver in the world, all it takes is one mistake and it could be you!! i dont expect any of you to take this seriously because it doesnt directly affect any of you but i ask you please, use your brain, learn from others pain and loose, and dont let it happen to you or anybody you care about, i learnt the hard way by being in a crash myself but i was lucky but my freinds wasnt!! Think b4 you decide going out for a drive with your freinds and think b4 you get in your car drunk or anybody elses!!!