2012 - The World's Doomsday.

Jun 19, 2008
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The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction
of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way)
and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to
resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.

-Infro from
there are certainley going to be a great many large events happening all at once, in the past these have co incided with great change such as polar reversal and great desruction but i feel this time there will be less natural disasters and more of a subtle change becoming more and more apparent in the years after 2012
Some say it's already happening...slowly.
Different events taking place, that will slowly lead up to the big finale...
Different theories of Nibiru crossing our solar system, polar reversals, a final world war, or a combination of all.

People need to realize this isn't Y2K. Y2k was an expected/possible event...this is different, and shouldn't be compared to something like Y2k or anything from the medieval ages.

While they are still only theories, everything is possible...we've only ruled the world for thousands of years, we've hardly seen the celestial events that CAN take place....
This world was here a long time before us, and will most likely continue to be, after us.
Some people say that the Earth has had many cycles, and it just keeps reforming.
Like, we could've had all the same inventions and things we do now, but something like this happened, and destroyed it all. Now the process is slowly happening again...
Pretty amazing.
Some people say that the Earth has had many cycles, and it just keeps reforming.
Like, we could've had all the same inventions and things we do now, but something like this happened, and destroyed it all. Now the process is slowly happening again...
Pretty amazing.

I somewhat believe that's possible...mainly because word of mouth won't suffice to tell of our technologies, history, etc, and even if the survivors of any such...dooms day, try to pass on the stories, they'd probably be forgotten.
And I'm assuming that with polar shifts, and solar storms...electronics wouldn't work, over time they'd die out without maintenance, same goes with paper etc...

Some of those cycles might have even gone past our level of technology, and we now call them aliens...

But...let's sit tight for 4 years, and see what happens!
Lol, have you heard about the atom smasher?
Well in august the world could end withing like.. a thousandth of a second.

For a while the atom smasher was viewed and looked over by scientist. In while the scientist thought if they could find the rings around some of the moons off jupiter, they could simply copy the replica.

Now scientist have come up with ways to "warp" something to our earth by replicating it. But the atom smasher isnt aware of what it does, and this august these scientist want to find out what the black matter of space is. Black matter that covers 95% of the universe is unkown and scientist are gonig to warp it on earth. The biggest fear is, a black hole. EASILY a black hole could be warped onto earth, and its a 70% chance to SOME peoples theorys that it will happen. this august...

I almost cried the first time I heard.

The safety of the collider, which will generate energies seven times higher than its most powerful rival, at Fermilab near Chicago, has been debated for years. The physicist Martin Rees has estimated the chance of an accelerator producing a global catastrophe at one in 50 million -- long odds, to be sure, but about the same as winning some lotteries.

1/50,000,000 isn't exactly 70% or "EASILY"
Well if you believe in astrology, which is basically what this calendar is working off for their predictions, you could say that 2012 will bring a new global shift in spirituality, intelligence and an overall step-up in evolution.

People migt not see this straight away, as it may be only with new borns, but tis an exciting thought nonetheless.
I can't wait til nothing happens and all these doomsday retards realise they've wasted their lives with this stupid poop.
How do people even know "Dark matter" exists.

Watch, i bet they use the atom smasher, and something stupid happens, like it goes back in time or something.

And how the heck would a tiny "Dark matter" particle create a black hole? o-o;
How do people even know "Dark matter" exists.

Watch, i bet they use the atom smasher, and something stupid happens, like it goes back in time or something.

And how the heck would a tiny "Dark matter" particle create a black hole? o-o;

Basically if there was no dark matter, the universe would be imploding right now because of gravity
Weird isn't it? The Jews have a different year count then us, so are they safe?
No it's not, we started counting after Jesus Christ was born, the Jews started way before that.
No it's not, we started counting after Jesus Christ was born, the Jews started way before that.

Uhmm the jew date ends at number 12 aswell.
Quite interesting :scratch:
Whats so interesting about that? That's the MONTH. They say the world is going to end on 2012 while the jews live in the year 5768, so the end of the world doesn't count for the jews?
december 21st 2012 midnight is just our measurement of the solstice change

it so happens it coincides with the end of the mayan long count

also coincides with the end of the I ching

there will also be a rare planetary alignment

the great pyramid in egypt has its connection with pleaides once again (as does mayan temples)

solar flares due to peak

seemingly more natural disasters now than any time in the past few hundred years

the "end" or changing time as described in the bible appears to be approaching, the coming of the age of aquarius etc

to name a few :P

this is no Y2K bug or random stab in the dark

indiginous tribes around the world are apparently getting ready for this big up coming change. many different cultures agree this is a time of change

its funny how the only people who cannot seem to see anything or even connect the dots given to them ready and numbered are the ones who would consider themselves most well educated

i believe a great change is coming, what exactly i dont know. but i do know that life will be massively different 10 years from now, personally i cant wait!