• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

3.944 Server & Cient (temporary links)

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Union, MO
Here's the links to all the stuff I have available!

3.944 stuff

Complete client installer package for the 3.944 client (shrotcuts NOT included)
Client installs to "C:\Redmoon3944"

Updated windowed mode to go along with Legacy1's 3.944 patch


4.4 Stuff

BD Related

BD Capable server files and a basic guide on installing it from start to finish. You will need to have a general understanding of redmoon to use this. And the setup is not guaranteed to work on every system.

3.8 Stuff

Original Server files tested and working, repackaged from Zach's guide

This patch is only for updating your client if you have an old 3.53 Install

Web Tools

Warning! These pages have been deemed hackable by the community. DO NOT Use them unless you are certain the people accessing them will not be trying to harm your server. They are also NOT compatable with xampp and are only known to work with Apache v2.0.55 and php5.

Here's a link to the thread where I originally discussed how to successfully setup these pages on a server. It's a little lengthy


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holmancarey im having a lil bit of trouble with ur bd guide i set up all the servers and have em all running just when i go from street2 into the bd after i picked a char the screen stays blank do u have any ideas what i did wrong?
holmancarey im having a lil bit of trouble with ur bd guide i set up all the servers and have em all running just when i go from street2 into the bd after i picked a char the screen stays blank do u have any ideas what i did wrong?
I posted some more info on how the BD is setup in the thread you started. Hopefully some of that will be of use to help solve the problem your having.

Thanks Carey, you've made a great contribution to the Redmoon community.
Thank you for your interest in RM. If it wasn't for people like yourself that have a desire to learn this stuff all my efforts would be of little or no use :)

Carey do you have the patch release notes from Legacy? I checked some of the files you uploaded but they aren't in there.


I have a text file with the notes he added to the patches. I'm guessing your interested in the Install notes so I'll post it below.

1. Install Redmoon 3.8/3.9 client to some directory.
2. Install Redmoon 4.4 client to another directory.
3. Copy "RLEs" directory from 4.4 client to 3.8 client (overwrite files if asked).
4. Copy "DATAs" directory except "DATAs\Info" subdirectory from 4.4 client to 3.8 client
(overwrite files if asked).
5. Copy "Client" directory from rm3944 package to 3.8 client (overwrite files if asked).
6. Copy "Server" directory from rm3944 package to 3.8 server (overwrite files if asked).

Lol try to sieze Army HQ on 3.944 When you try to cast a skill all of your skills disapear.
One of the major problems with the BD server was that the army system seems to be severly hosed in it. However, I never experienced the exact problem your talking about so it's hard to say what's causing it.

Apparently some people can't look 10 threads down to find this topic, sooo here it is :P

Ya i know, i'm in a bad mood this mornin. Perhaps I should go eat some wheaties!
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i have set up this server(Battle Dimension Ready Server Files (3.93 current version) 48.6Mb),but their have some problems,
1, how to get B2 war? i put b2 in hall ,but they tell me 'can to other army's hall.
2,how to clean the database.
3,can not use chinese name .

thanks so much :)

my Email [email protected]
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i have set up this server(Battle Dimension Ready Server Files (3.93 current version) 48.6Mb),but their have some problems,
1, how to get B2 war? i put b2 in hall ,but they tell me 'can to other army's hall.
2,how to clean the database.
3,can not use chinese name .

thanks so much :)

my Email [email protected]


1) i got the same error. There is something wrong in tblArmyBase1 and tblArmyBaseLog1, or both are empty, which you can solve easy.

First delete all rows in there.

Then in tblArmyBase1 fill in one line like this:
Set ControlBeginDate to '01.01.2010 12:00:01' and all other fields to '0'.

Then in tblArmyBaseLog1 fill in one line like this:
Set Time to '01.01.2010 12:00:02', LogKind to 'ArmyBaseInitialized', ArmyID to '0', AgitTaxRate to '0' and
ControlBeginDate to '01.01.2010 12:00:01'

and now it should work all right, so i got it to work on my server.

Hm, but now there is another problem when i want to take the HQ then the counter goes from 180 seconds to 0 seconds and then to -XXX seconds and nothing else :?:

Greetings Ralf Marquardt
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do you want to have a perm links that will never go down? I can host them.

Which files?
This temporary files?

They are realy bugy...

It where nice to get some better files for perm hosting...

I got only this files...

battleserver: the hq take over will not work...
the other server files: the battle thingy will not work...
at both the oldtrader will not work and some maps not there...

It's a shame...

Ralf Marquardt
all of the files listed here, i work for a hosting company, so i got free hosting and vps's, infact im working on seeting up a 2.,9 server on my vps which has 9 megs dl and 35 megs up log per second, getting map server erros, is it a x64 error ???
Thx for all your links!
I downloaded them and made some test.

1, maps and monsters

There are only few maps opend when "all-start". I added some maps and found no monster in some maps, such as map 202,204,305.
I added the "new" monster such as Pramar, Rakion in MopInfo.rsm and map 305's mop, such as the following:
77 150 8 2 4 1 1000 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 9560 7000 7200 16000 416421 0 0 0 0
78 151 8 1 2 3 500 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 9460 8860 8860 17000 426421 0 0 0 0
79 152 8 2 2 2 800 1000 0 0 217 0 1500 0 20500 9500 8000 80000 1232410 0 0 0 0
80 153 13 1 1 1 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 63500 88000 82000 210000 8513450 0 0 0 0

; 150 : [5]: Pramar(橇扼付)
; 151 : [3]: Rakion(扼虐柯)
; 152 : [2]: Lepon(福迄)
; 153 : [0]: Shadow(溅档快)
Pramar 150 1 1 490 490 5 6 204 1 6 205 1 6 206 1 6 207 1 6 204 1 0 1 1800
Rakion 151 1 1 490 490 5 6 204 1 6 205 1 6 206 1 6 207 1 6 205 1 0 1 1900
Lepon 152 1 1 490 490 5 6 204 1 6 205 1 6 206 1 6 207 1 6 206 1 0 1 2000
Shadow 153 1 1 490 490 5 6 204 1 6 205 1 6 206 1 6 207 1 6 206 1 0 1 2000
Some monsters in white appeared, but not the face of the monsters they should be.

2, client
With the windowed-dll, I can open RM in window mode.
Would you tell me how to open more than 1 RedMoon client?

3, about installation
I read your instruction for installing redmoon client v3.944.
Installation of rm3944
1. Install Redmoon 3.83.9 client to some directory.
2. Install Redmoon 4.4 client to another directory.
3. Copy RLEs directory from 4.4 client to 3.8 client (overwrite files if asked).
4. Copy DATAs directory except DATAsInfo and DATAsMap subdirectories from 4.4 client to 3.8 client
(overwrite files if asked).
5. Copy Client directory from rm3944 package to 3.8 client (overwrite files if asked).
6. Copy Server directory from rm3944 package to 3.8 server (overwrite files if asked).
I installed 2 copies of clients with Redmoon3944_Client.exe and RM44.exe.
I checked the directories and files of the two installed copies and found that the RLEs, DATAs directory are same.
Perhaps you have repackaged the Redmoon3944_Client.exe, and have made the steps in your instructions.

Thanks again!
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Now I encountered a new problem.
The client of 3.944 worked ok yesterday.
Today it says that "Redmoon has not been installed correctly.Please install again."
Who know why?