[300 PSP]300 "The Game" for PSP

Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
A Coffin
300: March To Glory

"One of the 10 games you'll have to own in the 2007... or you're better off dead." Wizard Magazine

Live the epic adventure inspired by the powerful graphic novel and film, 300.
As King Leonidas you will lead 300 Spartan Warriors in a heroic fight to the death again Xerxes' massive Persian army.

The odds are impossible, but though strategy, bravery, and skill you can save all of Greece - and change history forever.

Fight for glory with the upgradeable weapons, armor, and battle skills of the Spartans from the film 300.

Unleash the full wrath of your army with the ultimate Spartan battle formation - The Phalanx.

Decapitate, dismember, and disembowel your enemies in bloodthirsty sword and spear combar

Discuss.. (I personally think they should start making it for PC, Xbox 360 for better performance and more Online features (at the moment im not sure if this is online or posted before)
Well from what i saw / heard its terrible.
Graphis are bad, u fight the same guys over and over...might as well play the OLD OLD arcade aladdin.