[360] 360 Elite?

May 2, 2004
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New York City
Well I don't know if people have heard about this yet but the Xbox 360 Elite is coming out soon. It will be available in limited quantities and will be sold as a whole different package. As in there will be the Core, Premium, and Elite. Once that is sold out the Premium package will now now be like the Elite except not black. The Elite is pretty much a 360 "that includes a huge 120GB hard drive (the largest available for any gaming console), a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) port, a high-definition cable, and a premium black finish."

So anyway what are your thoguhts on this?

For some more info: Xbox.com | Xbox 360 - Introducing Xbox 360 Elite
Re: 360 Elite?

Rip off to be honest. For the extra $80 bucks you have to pay for it it should have included a built in HDDVD player.

So what you have there? Buy now and get it in black for $80 more or wait a month and get the white (which looks better in my opinion) version for the normal price.

And you'll also have the $100 less one with a 20gb hdd. ;)

And what a bloody rip off. $180 for the 120gb hdd... Those drives don't cost them $50 to buy from Samsung! There was a damn $70 markup on the 20gb and now there is going to be a $120 mark up on the $120gb one. Shame on them for price gouging.

The see that Sony can get away with it so they are pressing their luck with it also. :evil:

At least the Wii is cheap. But then again the accessories are a rip off with them. $60 for a remote + nunchuck. :icon6:

NoPeace - out
Re: 360 Elite?

Bullshit...they shouldnt release an upgraded version of it so quickly...thats jsut a rip off for everyone with a normal version of xbox360.
Re: 360 Elite?

For an extra look? Are you kidding me? Its Black! Nothing more to say. Just because it's black and all its accessories are black is a must have for me.

I knew about this 2 months ago as rumor about black 360 started flooding our game store. The Hard Drive itself is amazing. 120 GB. As for me I pre-ordered it and I am getting rid of my normal ones asap. So far a guy is willing to pay 350$ for it. Finally my dream of owning a Black 360 without a face plate came true.
Re: 360 Elite?

Yep agree with you Nopeace. For one it looks better in white imo as well. Also the real only new thing on it is the extra 100 gb and thats not worth the extra money. I guess people will buy it tho and make MS happy. I for one refuse to get ripped off.

I has HDMI also. =P

ooh its black, i want one!

Wouldn't this be worth it purely for the HDMI connection, i.e. it can actually deliver all the graphics card is capable of offering...

HDMI doesn't do much for image quality though. It's about the exact same as component and VGA. Only difference is that audio and video is over the same high quality cable.

One cable that does it all instead of having 3 for image, 2 for stereo audio and another fragile fiber cable for the digital audio.

The only time you do make use of the HDMI is when you do things in 1080p as it's 100% compatable with all 1080p TVs. The analog way is just a work around. But then again.

Who here has a $2300 TV? =P

Bullshit...they shouldnt release an upgraded version of it so quickly...thats jsut a rip off for everyone with a normal version of xbox360.

How is it quickly? It's been out for 1 and half years now. With systems only lasting 5 years. Not that quick to be honest.

NoPeace - out
Re: 360 Elite?

How is it quickly? It's been out for 1 and half years now. With systems only lasting 5 years. Not that quick to be honest.
That is quickly considering not everyone bought it the second it came out. Considering that there is no signs of a new system coming out for a lil while, CONSIDERING I BOUGHT IT IN JANUARY. ITs quick.
Re: 360 Elite?

Well for me the HDMI does nothing. I have a regular TV up in my room since we jsut moved up the huge old ass TV up here when we moved so anything HD doesn't affect me. Other than that i don't really like the black more than white. the white looks better to me. so really all thats here for me is the 100 extra gigs which i also currently do not need.
Re: 360 Elite?

That is quickly considering not everyone bought it the second it came out. Considering that there is no signs of a new system coming out for a lil while, CONSIDERING I BOUGHT IT IN JANUARY. ITs quick.

Well 11m people have it. And that's a lot. =P

And no signs? I've known about this for 6 months now... Not to mention I've posted info on it for 6 months also...

Been saying for ages that there's going to be a 120gb HDD and a 65nm revision coming April time. And it's finnaly confirmed. Though it does have a built in HDMI port and it's black. And not to mention cost more money at the moment.

And would you have really spent the extra $80 for the black color?

Well for me the HDMI does nothing. I have a regular TV up in my room since we jsut moved up the huge old ass TV up here when we moved so anything HD doesn't affect me. Other than that i don't really like the black more than white. the white looks better to me. so really all thats here for me is the 100 extra gigs which i also currently do not need.

Don't need extra 100gb of space? :eek:

I am contantly running out of space on the small 20gb hdd. O.O

10 saves in Oblivion is 800-1000mb!

But yeah. Unless you have a 1080p TV HDMI is useless. I just hope they don't make it that you have to use HDMI to run HDDVD since DRM of it requires a secure connection (aka HDMI).

NoPeace - out