• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[360] 360 RZ Clan?

Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
I know this has been suggested several times before but the thread went nowhere. It was ignored most of the times.

So far I am wondering how many people will be interested in joining the clan. Since most of the people visiting to GH own a 360, I think we will have a head start but from previous threads it is kind off hard telling that. The clan will focus on games that majority of us own for example Gears of War, Halo 2, Crackdown etc. I am pretty sure that most of us have Gears of War or Halo 2.

Right now this plan is just a scratch. Hopefully if more then 5 people are interested then we may do something about it. I can get some of the finest Gears of War player out there as well as Halo 2 Champions to join the clan. I am sure that Kyle, ElMarshal, Lt. Lew, Ex and some others will be interested in it.

Leave your thoughts about this plan. Any idea/suggestions/opinions are always welcome. Lets see how far we can get this time.
Re: 360 RZ Clan?

i am 100% up for it ;)
Re: 360 RZ Clan?

Never thought about getting this many responses.

Looking at everything, I think we are good to go. I am pretty sure we'll get more people as the time goes by.

So what are the game plans? Should we focus on 1 type or game or be an overall clan. Focusing on 1 type means that most clan members are required to buy that game, but looking at it most of us have the games anyways.

Next step should be a Gaming Night. Since most of us have Gears or Halo. We can have one for these games. Basically a friendly match to see what we are capable of. Till then I'll be working on some sort of rooster if the plan goes ahead.
Re: 360 RZ Clan?

Definatly up for, just thinking how could you implement a clan system for gears or just meet up at any random time?

Unlike Halo 2, I don't think GOW has a clan system so basically we will be relying communication. Talking with Ex on MSN, If things go well then we will have our own sub forum within the Gaming Hotspot. It would be an excellent way to post updates, rooster, new etc. It will give us a room to time for warm ups other clan matches etc. Most likely arrangements will be made 1 week before hand, before we have any sort of matches.
Looks good so far. Working on a mini rooster at the moment. As far as I know, I don't think we'll be adding a rank system unless everyone feels it is necessary.

I am planning to have two matches hopefully within next week. If possible then Saturday, if not then next Saturday. We'll have two matches Halo 2 and GOW. More information about this will come soon.