6:29:49 PM - important video and message for all

Think about it, we are all doomed to hell if the bible is true, everyone commits a sin, everyone.
God isn't real, get over it. Waste half your life worshiping something that isn't there.

You believe what you want, we will believe what we want. I'll believe in god and you'll believe in whatever you want to. No one knows the truth, humans can't prove it. He may be real, he may not be. Don't simply say he isn't, because you don't know if he is or not. Sorry, just get pissed when people throw down what I believe in.


browser2245 - 6:29:49 PM - important video and message for all - RaGEZONE Forums

What the hell (pun intended) is the point of thinking about the afterlife if you're not even sure it exists? Just enjoy your life.
Lol, like whatever the Bible says is true anyways, how can God build the earth in 7 DAYS, when DAYS only came about, whilst the earth spins on its axis...He maybe "GOD", but its kinda convenient, Anyways Didn't watch video ^^.
Oh god, they stopped going door to door but now they're doing it on forums! Lameness

Sorry to disappoint you but this video has nothing to do with Jehovahs Witnesses and is somewhat contrary to what they believe. I dont think they will stop door to door evangalising just yet. Here`s a clever animation Jws produced about door to door witnessing. Worth a look just for the laugh.

A Morning on Mulberry Street

The Truth is out there somewhere!!!!!!!!!
Now now guys... There has to be some superior force...
But who/whatever it is is really fucking with us
Especially if it's an "all knowing" God... If it's all knowing why the hell even make the universe? You already know what's gonna happen when you do it... And if you want that done (whatever it is) why not just do that rather than take the long route?
It knows if I'm going to heaven or hell or whatever all ready? I don't want to go to a heave with some God that messed with you the entire time and created you knowing you're going to eternal damnation... WTF?!?! I'll take my eternity of suffering asshole...

Don't even get into free will or I'll have to rip another one
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