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64 bits server

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello guys,

Iam wondering if it is possible to host a kalonline server, on a 64 bits (Windows 2008 standard edition)

Thanks for the respone.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah why not. But on 64bit system kal will not work faster, it may work even a little bit slower cause it's 32bit program.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
i will be laughing my butt out if he will g00gle it XD
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 5, 2008
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im not troll as you sirix;) i even help a buddy to install server on 64 bit what a troll you think your cool cuz you can make a bugged dlls....

you aint better than me boy;) so dont even try to be your human just like me

i tell you just one thing dont say what people can do if you dont know them dont even judge them you dont know me so you better dont talk about me at all dont even write,say my nick or my name..

realy dont underestimat me..

ps:i think your being smart because your using a strange mask as a avatar but well everyone is strong "throo internet"
and i understand you you got picked up by your school mates and they were making fun of you and now throo internet your trying be like them... realy sad but well gl in your life that way;)
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
What is better for a kalonline private server: to use a 32bits server our a 64 bits server?


Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
im not troll as you sirix;) i even help a buddy to install server on 64 bit what a troll you think your cool cuz you can make a bugged dlls....

you aint better than me boy;) so dont even try to be your human just like me

i tell you just one thing dont say what people can do if you dont know them dont even judge them you dont know me so you better dont talk about me at all dont even write,say my nick or my name..

realy dont underestimat me..

ps:i think your being smart because your using a strange mask as a avatar but well everyone is strong "throo internet"
and i understand you you got picked up by your school mates and they were making fun of you and now throo internet your trying be like them... realy sad but well gl in your life that way;)

Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
im not troll as you sirix;) i even help a buddy to install server on 64 bit what a troll you think your cool cuz you can make a bugged dlls....

you aint better than me boy;) so dont even try to be your human just like me

i tell you just one thing dont say what people can do if you dont know them dont even judge them you dont know me so you better dont talk about me at all dont even write,say my nick or my name..

realy dont underestimat me..

ps:i think your being smart because your using a strange mask as a avatar but well everyone is strong "throo internet"
and i understand you you got picked up by your school mates and they were making fun of you and now throo internet your trying be like them... realy sad but well gl in your life that way;)

You got trolled.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
What is better for a kalonline private server: to use a 32bits server our a 64 bits server?

It's like.. you got 100 meters to shop, you want to buy only bread. Will you take small car or truck?
If you want to use 64bit OS yes you need 64 bit processor.
If you want to use 32bit OS you can have 32 or 64 bit processor.
If you want to have more than 4GB ram yes you need 64 bit processor. If you think Kal will be faster on 64bit processor and OS.. no it will not be faster cause kal is using only 8,16,32 bit registers so there's no instructions which could use 64bit general purpose registers.

//guys could you just take off your ego words from every thread which can be seen there? Please try to keep this place only as the source of knowledge.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
dun forget about sql server. x64 version of is a pro.

Well I'm using MSSQL 2008 R2 64bit (developer version WOW!) only cause the mssdnaa offered mi this to my system.. but i see no difference. Of course i'm not working with huge databases so.. even an old mssql 2000 is enought for kal.