
Manga is Japanese Comics.
Anime is animated japanese comics.

Favourite mangas
Inuyasha - A Fuedal Fairy Tale
Neon Genesis Evangelion

Also I draw a bit of Manga myself :D
You read manga.
Manga Entertainment is just a company that realeases anime lol.
Yep heard Chibi Goku is quite cute :D
And played the half translated game, was pretty funny too.
its like when i play ff games, hold down speedup key, and also the .. erm action key? so all i did was walk around lol
No not yet, *twitches* was on my to get list, then my Cable ISP cut me off, eek damn then.
Rannie said:
No not yet, *twitches* was on my to get list, then my Cable ISP cut me off, eek damn then.
lol. They all over Kazaa, plenty of users 4 the episodes:good: