I am a Chinese, and my English is not very good, but I have been playing the GMS version all the time. Through official games and old videos as reference, I have improved most of the GMS111 task script content, but a few tasks lack information, so friends with information can help me? You can add me as a friend by private message, or post video information and pictures related to the task.
Missing task ID
2233 Raise the Rep!
2234 Enjoy the Entitlement!
2342 The Recovered Royal Seal
2344 Mushking Empire in Danger
3301 Test from the Head of Zenumist Society
3303 Test from the Head of Alcadno Society
3452 Blocktopus is an Alien?
3524 In Search for the Lost Memory
3525 In Search for the Lost Memory
3526 In Search for the Lost Memory
3542 Seeking Lost Memories
8255 Lost Spirits
11051 Battle Mode Participation Prize
11052 Free-for-all Professional
11053 Battle Mode MVP
11274 Indomitable Ice Knight
20526 Re-raising Mimiana
20720 Before the Mission in Perion Begins
22405 The Lost Saddle
22607 Unexpected Gift 1
22608 Unexpected Gift 2
23263 Turn Me Back!
23903 Can You Help Edelstein?
28578 Mysterious rolling wheel is in town. How do I use this?
28756 [Repeatable] The Alien Mainframe
29021 Title - Carnival Winner
29500 Title Challenge - Maple Idol Star
The content of the task screenshot
I am currently working on the content of the NPC, and most of the screenshots have been made. Interested friends can also communicate with me. Study the game repair content method of GMS111 together.
Missing task ID
2233 Raise the Rep!
2234 Enjoy the Entitlement!
2342 The Recovered Royal Seal
2344 Mushking Empire in Danger
3301 Test from the Head of Zenumist Society
3303 Test from the Head of Alcadno Society
3452 Blocktopus is an Alien?
3524 In Search for the Lost Memory
3525 In Search for the Lost Memory
3526 In Search for the Lost Memory
3542 Seeking Lost Memories
8255 Lost Spirits
11051 Battle Mode Participation Prize
11052 Free-for-all Professional
11053 Battle Mode MVP
11274 Indomitable Ice Knight
20526 Re-raising Mimiana
20720 Before the Mission in Perion Begins
22405 The Lost Saddle
22607 Unexpected Gift 1
22608 Unexpected Gift 2
23263 Turn Me Back!
23903 Can You Help Edelstein?
28578 Mysterious rolling wheel is in town. How do I use this?
28756 [Repeatable] The Alien Mainframe
29021 Title - Carnival Winner
29500 Title Challenge - Maple Idol Star
The content of the task screenshot
I am currently working on the content of the NPC, and most of the screenshots have been made. Interested friends can also communicate with me. Study the game repair content method of GMS111 together.
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