90% of official GMS111 quest scripts

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 19, 2022
Reaction score
I am a Chinese, and my English is not very good, but I have been playing the GMS version all the time. Through official games and old videos as reference, I have improved most of the GMS111 task script content, but a few tasks lack information, so friends with information can help me? You can add me as a friend by private message, or post video information and pictures related to the task.

Missing task ID

2233 Raise the Rep!

2234 Enjoy the Entitlement!

2342 The Recovered Royal Seal

2344 Mushking Empire in Danger

3301 Test from the Head of Zenumist Society

3303 Test from the Head of Alcadno Society

3452 Blocktopus is an Alien?

3524 In Search for the Lost Memory

3525 In Search for the Lost Memory

3526 In Search for the Lost Memory

3542 Seeking Lost Memories

8255 Lost Spirits

11051 Battle Mode Participation Prize

11052 Free-for-all Professional

11053 Battle Mode MVP

11274 Indomitable Ice Knight

20526 Re-raising Mimiana

20720 Before the Mission in Perion Begins

22405 The Lost Saddle

22607 Unexpected Gift 1

22608 Unexpected Gift 2

23263 Turn Me Back!

23903 Can You Help Edelstein?

28578 Mysterious rolling wheel is in town. How do I use this?

28756 [Repeatable] The Alien Mainframe

29021 Title - Carnival Winner

29500 Title Challenge - Maple Idol Star

3301 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

3452 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

3542 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

The content of the task screenshot

I am currently working on the content of the NPC, and most of the screenshots have been made. Interested friends can also communicate with me. Study the game repair content method of GMS111 together.


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Wow! Wish I could help but definitely great release! Really looks forward to see it complete!
When I first saw this, I think the scripts weren't posed but then I took a look at it now and oh my god, had to change my like reaction to a heart, you deserve it!! I love questing SO freaking much, it's one way to feel immersed in the game you're playing and for v111 this feels so good, specially good since the public releases so far makes this game work like a charm. Thanks for adding more gameplay time and more immersion, I am so going to play this today. Already am (cuz of testing), just gonna hop on my mage character and do some questing. 😋

The quest in this image (sky high) wasn't coded before, now it is!

new_quest_yay - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

EDIT: By the way, a couple of the original source's quests are bugged, I think only a couple, if you want some feedback in what I can find, I'd happily play-test things for you.
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Thanks for sharing the quests script !

Do you maybe have also some of the other missing scripts like portals? for example in my v111 the ludi elevator is not working
Thanks for sharing the quests script !

Do you maybe have also some of the other missing scripts like portals? for example in my v111 the ludi elevator is not working
Hey Jeck, talking about this elevator?

ludi_elevator - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

If it's about this one, you can edit this line to "pi.playPortalSE();" in the LudiElevator_in.js inside the Portals folder (scripts/portal) and I think it should work!

piportal - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

(omg my 1st maple fix ever lol)

I'm gonna take a look at the other scripts to see if I can make the portal sound work again, but this is as good as I'm able to help rn since I'm a total newbie at this stuff.

EDIT: Got it, just edited the image. I think this is it!


  • piportal - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums
    24.4 KB · Views: 83
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public final void playPortalSE() {
c.getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(0, 10, 1, 1));

Due to version update, the previous value was 7, which has been changed to 10

After the Quest script was completed, I haven't tested it one by one yet. If there are any errors, please let me know. I will make timely corrections.

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Except for event and beauty NPCs that have not been sorted out yet, there are about 500 screenshots of other NPCs.

1200006 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

function enter(pi) {
if (pi.getPlayer().getMap().getId() == 222020100) {
pi.getPlayer().changeMap(pi.getMap(222020110), pi.getMap(222020110).getPortal(0));
pi.getPlayer().startMapTimeLimitTask(10, pi.getMap(222020200));
return true;
pi.getPlayer().changeMap(pi.getMap(222020211), pi.getMap(222020211).getPortal(0));
pi.getPlayer().startMapTimeLimitTask(10, pi.getMap(222020100));
return true;

I did not write the script for the elevator as an event, but handled it in a simple way. During this period, the spacecraft was also changed to fly at any time.


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After the Quest script was completed, I haven't tested it one by one yet. If there are any errors, please let me know. I will make timely corrections.
Neat! Thanks a lot for all the hard work!! 😁 I've been playtesting things for awhile yesterday, mainly just playing normally, doing quests, stuff I like to do. If you want some feedback, I'd happily be able to provide. So far I've been noting down things I encountered that blocked me from progressing in a couple quests, they are:

* QUESTLINES [Theme Dungeons] and Misc. Quests*
- King Pepe's portal in Mushroom Kingdom, you can't get past the portal to fight king pepe & yeti after clicking the option to go to the map where the fight happens.

- Cheap Amplifier in Kerning Square Tower, you can't teleport to the map that has these monsters to kill (using the "I'm helping Blake" option). (FIXED)

- Find James in Mushroom Kingdom, after finding James he talks for a bit and a cutscene kick in, but the character gets stuck during the cutscene and can't perform any actions nor log out, forcing the player to close the game, and the quest will be marked as completed without having to watch the cutscene when logging in again.

- Coliseum Investigations in Chryse, a quest given by Michael is marked as completed (the book icon appears above michael) but the player cannot turn in the quest and continue the questline. It's possible however to meet the boss before finishing the questline, leaving it incomplete without the medal reward.

- There is a small bug in the Xerxes treasure boxes items (it works the first time when you open a box, but not for the second time), the same happens to Cube Fragments, source-related or script for item related.

- Investigating the Discovery, in Nautilus (Murihat's quest) has a bug, it asks you to clean the moss from an object on the ground. You can enter the room that summons a little moss object on the ground and even if you can remove the moss from it, it won't do anything, won't let you finish the quest.

- Bergamot's script (boss) in NEO Tokyo can't get past phase 1, when you kill one HP bar he disappears.

EDIT: You can actually kill it, it respawns with the leftover HP bars that he was supposed to have when you go back to his portal once again. You have to relogin for every other Neo Tokyo boss from there on though, to "get a new connection" to that script and make them get summoned, because they share the same script and the script summons them only once at a time. It's possible to finish the questline, though still not the way it's supposed to.

- During Crime Prevention System, in Edelstein, you are expected to hit a switch a few times until it teleports you to another area so you can kill the special mobs it'll summon. The switch can be hit and change its sprite but the teleport never happens.

- During Ellin Forest questline, the "in_ChowBoss" script is missing, couldn't find it in any source other than swordie v176, but they're in python and that source has different terms too for npc/portal scripting, shouldn't be super hard to do but sorry, I can't. Noted down though if anyone is willing to fix/translate this script to v111 in JS.

- Fixing portals, first portal: Train In Repair (subway_in2.js)
- second portal: q1602_move.js
- third portal:
... one mystic gate has its script missing (crosshunter_q1262), the one where you fight Deo and Roid and then a cutscene happens with Crow.

- Dual Blade's first job advancement (thief), the NPC (Dark Lord) has no script, throws an exception (NoSuchMethodException: action). (FIXED)

- During Mercedes tutorial, in Danika's Request quest (ID 24001), the monsters required to kill in order to complete the quest don't spawn on their map. I got around this by changing the quest to require 0 kills so it autocompletes itself, you can just turn in.

- During Mercedes 3rd Job Advancement (and 4th), the quests (24012/24013) gets accepted but throws an error when running the script: "Error executing Quest script. (24012)...NPC: 1033210: .getShowQuestCompletion is not a function". Making these quests never get marked as complete and the script doesn't advance to the part where the job changes, so in the end not only the quest goes to the void (doesn't show up anywhere anymore) but the job doesn't change.

- During the Evan tutorial screens, there's a cutscene where Evan needs to leave his house and the character gets stuck, having to relogin for the scene to be marked as complete so you can proceed.

- During the Demon Slayer tutorial, there's a cutscene right after Demon Slayer awakes and talks to the Black Wings Guard (the rabbit one) by pressing Next, it leads to a null pointer error popup and crashes the client, making it not possible to get through this cutscene, making the character stuck on this same scene in a loop.

This is all I have found so far.

I'm going to keep editing this post to add more notes of things I discover when playing, quest-related stuff to let people know and hopefully someone does some magic to fix these quests for a more complete GMS-like experience. I can only fix the very simple things and I've been gathering scripts from all over the place to implement/learn from, so I'm trying to do what I can.
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Basically, I have written all the scripts included in 111, but they are all in Chinese, which may cause errors in the English language system 38, so they have not been distributed. I will produce it in English according to the official and old video content before publishing it.

If you are interested in drop data, I will publish my GMS111 drop data
Hey Jeck, talking about this elevator?

View attachment 266138

If it's about this one, you can edit this line to "pi.playPortalSE();" in the LudiElevator_in.js inside the Portals folder (scripts/portal) and I think it should work!

View attachment 266140

(omg my 1st maple fix ever lol)

I'm gonna take a look at the other scripts to see if I can make the portal sound work again, but this is as good as I'm able to help rn since I'm a total newbie at this stuff.

EDIT: Got it, just edited the image. I think this is it!
3715- - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

quest ID 3715

The content of this task is constantly being updated, and conversations from the GMS111 era can be found, but it depends on luck.

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Thank you very much for providing the information, but most of the issues are related to newly added animation functions, and most of the functions in the script are written in source code, which can lead to errors.

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MAP triggers the script, while other GMS111s are not written as external scripts.

2925 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

Quest ID 2925

2232 - 90% of official GMS111 quest scripts - RaGEZONE Forums

Quest ID 2232
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Have you read the content of this task during the GMS111 period? Where can I find it? Information about old videos is very scarce. Now the official content has become an animation.