A few Illusions

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I saw jesus too, i looked at it, then i closed my eyes and i didn't see anything and i was like fuck it, then i closed my eyes again and looked and holy shit some dood apeared for a sec and it looked like jebus
lol..i didnt really see nothing..just saw a white circle and some things,lololol you guys need an oftalmogist
haha well thats 1 thing knocked off my things 2 do before im 60 list

i saw jesus whohoo
Re: Re: Re: A few Illusions

GohanSSJ said:
I have edited that picture a few months ago trying to figure it out, it just doesn't make sense, it really doesn't...
i know.... i did too.. pieces are exact same size, both triangles are exaxt same size after you moved them around :s
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