• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

A few questions o.o L2O 

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hya could anybody give me some kinda summary of existing l2off packs plx plox ? :P

I was developing L2J trash before, now I wanna start fresh with L2off.. After some clicking through all the forums and searching stuff all day it would be nice if somebody with good l2off knowledge could explain me the following..

What do I basically need to let c5 clients connect to my server -.- Yes, I know that I need a c4 based server and hell yes, I know that I need a 64bit cpu on a 64bit OS. I got both so now I just need to know which files I should use :S

But anyway there are a lot of packets so basically I wanna know which c4 pack the most people recommend..

Thanks so far, Ilix
I don't think there's any decent solution out there to make a c5 client connect to a c4 server. You'd have to either modify yourself the l2server (to make it compatible with c5 packets) or modify the c5 client itself. This, of course, implies hooking l2server.exe with a dll and a lot of complicated issues.
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yup ^^
Your main problem with Official and C5 Client is doing all the packet fixing...
Also hexing your client to connect to the auth... but some people have already done that so... Main problem is L2Server
Start from scratch and program all of the C5 Packets to work with the C4...
Apparently they did something new with C5 Packets that make it differ quite abit from C4...
So good luck lol...
I tried it I got in but lol... Fixing all the packets was just a complete pain in the ass...
I mean I got it working lol... then doing all the C5 Features lol... I just gave up =P
Hope you know alot of C++ and ASM and good luck to ya
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Aha that gives me hope ;P.. gg so I'll let c4 clients connect, stuff it with c5 mods and it should work then.. Ok thanks so far, anyway back to the most important questions; which server pack is recommended mostly by the community?
I read about some "StormServer" which is a true c4, 64bit server I think.. Is that a good pack or should I pick some other pack?

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