A hard night.

Apr 28, 2005
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Well me and my girl broke up. Her dad doesn't like me and she thinks we aren't having 'fun' anymore. We could never have 'fun' because her dad was always over protective. I don't know exactly how I feel right now. I'm sad because I lost her, but I'm happy because now I'll be able to spend more time with her. I'm a little young to really love someone, but I just trusted her. She was always there for me when I was having a hard time with my family. I've just grown really attached to her. We're still going to be friends, but it is just going to really hurt to see her with someone else, especially when that someone else is a good friend of mine. It's going to be hard without her there to say "I love you" to. I mean, my life revolved around her, so its going to be hard without her. Maybe life will get better by being able to look at her as just a friend.

I guess my whole point to posting this was to ask for tips on what to do next. Date someone else? Forget about dating for awhile? I know someone here on rz has had to have gone through the same thing sometime before. I'm kind of looking for help from people older than me.
The person you've been with for so long will always seem like "the one" for you because after all she's been the person closest to you for a while. Once you get to know someone else it never feels right until you get really close. Don't push other girls away because it doesn't feel as right as it did with this one. Give it a chance and it'll probably work out :)
Things are already going better. Seeing her as a friend, we were able to have a nice discussion about nothing. We have never been able to do that.

The person you've been with for so long will always seem like "the one" for you because after all she's been the person closest to you for a while. Once you get to know someone else it never feels right until you get really close. Don't push other girls away because it doesn't feel as right as it did with this one. Give it a chance and it'll probably work out :)
Thanks, I'll surely keep that in mind. I'm scared to get with another girl because I think it will remind me of her too much. Although maybe it would be better to get with someone else. It might allow me to feel less pain about breaking up with someone because I've been through it before.

It's probably going to hurt for a while but, eventually you will just get over it ;), And just find another girl to be with that should help.

She thinks she has found someone else already, so maybe I should find someone else. It might help ease the pain a little. Though a real concern of mine is the next girl being jealous or getting mad because I spend so much time with my "ex". I'm willing to love again, but I'm not willing to give up a strong friendship just to be able to love someone else. What Danielle has done for me I'll never forget.
Well at least it isn't a case of Romeo and Juliet.

Sadly, for me, love is such a broad word. I don't believe in love, I believe in compatibility. Get with someone that you can talk to, likes the same things as you, and isn't a complete idiot. Do it soon unless you want to appear pathetic to your Ex(not being harsh..but usually women that are your "Ex's" watch for these things--or maybe I dated to many stalker types). Anyways, it is up to you, not us.

It seems like love, to you, isn't broad..it's simple. Don't try to make it complex. Date someone else if you want to. Or hang out with your Ex like you want to.

One thing that I realized when I got out of a relationship(either I wasn't good enough for them, or they weren't good enough for me) was that I felt a sense of freedom. When I feel that freedom, I know that that person was not the person for me. If you feel even the tiniest speck of hope and freedom...then you should just be friends and be placated by the thought. However, if you don't feel ANYTHING at all, then maybe she was the one for you. And depression doesn't count...people that get depressed over a breakup(with a loved one or not) don't get anything done. Sure..they whine and cry but that is just a waste of time if you plan on trying to win them back.

Take the above advice with a grain of salt, it may not apply to you exactly.

Edit: Oh and...in the long run...you will either get back in the game or you wont. But the game is fun, so make sure you can choose between fun and....whatever the opposite of fun is(but NOT boredom).

If another girlfriend pains you, then maybe you could take a break. Depending on the person, the "break" can last for a few days, weeks, months, or years. Although years is a bit extreme..you never can tell.
lol nothing you can really do but wait... its the way of life... after you get over this girl there will be another ... and the same thing will most likly happen then.. sorry to say.. but life sux.. but you just have to get on with it :P
One thing that I realized when I got out of a relationship(either I wasn't good enough for them, or they weren't good enough for me) was that I felt a sense of freedom. When I feel that freedom, I know that that person was not the person for me. If you feel even the tiniest speck of hope and freedom...then you should just be friends and be placated by the thought. However, if you don't feel ANYTHING at all, then maybe she was the one for you. And depression doesn't count...people that get depressed over a breakup(with a loved one or not) don't get anything done. Sure..they whine and cry but that is just a waste of time if you plan on trying to win them back.
I actually feel a little happier because we broke up, feel like I can do more now. Theres still that little hope in me that we will get back together though. I'll never be able to forget her and I'll always love her, but I'm starting to think that maybe she wasn't the one.
I would suggest you think about if you wanna "fight it" and be with her anyway (not the best decision imo) or just get another one to "forget" her. Always helps me to go with someone else for a while when heartbroken.
turn ur love into anger against everything and feel upset for the rest of ur life.
or just think love is as fake as drug effects, the difference is u cant control it.

i don remeber who said this but
"Humanity's freedom is called ignoring the causes of thier own acts"
or somthing like this.
MMORPGs were probably invented by a guy in the same situation as yourself.

There is nothing better to do when heartache than to play a MMORPG

Im feeling blue these past few days and started playing Hero Online (great game!).
MMORPGs are actually what got my life so messed up before we got together. She helped me quit MMOs, so now I can't even touch any games online except for CounterStrike.

I'm starting to feel a little better each day now. Maybe I'll get over everything when we're able to spend more time together with friends.