• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

A lil msn problem

Skilled Illusionist
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
So I reinstalled my windows some days ago. I installed drivers etc, antivir, spybot and a firewall.
It was exactly the same as before. The only problem is that I can't start msn. It tries to login but freezes as soon as the contact list appears. I also reinstalled my windows today again and msn still wont load.
Anyone knows what the problem is?
Nope(I disabled my firewall and tried it, still won't work)

Edit: I can use the Windows Messenger (that old thingy installed with windows xp) but I can't use msn lol.
Just installed Service Pack 2 but it didnt help.
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Ugh, I had that exact same bug a long while back.. the way I solved it was by uninstalling the latest MSN, and putting an older version on.

I dont know what caused it, I had no way to fix it.. so I jsut got rid of it.. sucks when that happens, damn thing always kept freezing up, and I couldnt click anythign without it crashing.. sounds like a corrupt install, but I can guarentee its just a major bug with windows.
Yep, no problemo :-) I wish I had found a way to fix the problem though.. it really is aggrivating, sometimes when I install the latest Yahoo! Messenger it does teh same type of thing.. but AL you can do is chat, you can tclick any buttons or open webcam or anything.. or else it jsut crashes.. no errors, no warnings, it jsut immediatly closes down. F*****G Windows ;)
hehe NoPeace, that problem has been out for over a year and a half now.. I think they heitehr have bigger fish to fry, or they dont give a junk about it.. seeing as it is 'rare' supposedly.. I reported it an awful lot of times, but its REAL hard to report a problem on an application when you cant even debug it on yoru own system ;)
hehe NoPeace, that problem has been out for over a year and a half now.. I think they heitehr have bigger fish to fry, or they dont give a junk about it.. seeing as it is 'rare' supposedly.. I reported it an awful lot of times, but its REAL hard to report a problem on an application when you cant even debug it on yoru own system ;)

Didn't know that. Never seen it happen. =P

NoPeace - out
Yeah, sadly I think its a really hardware specific issue, I haven't had it for a while now.. but I have undergone some big hardware changes in the past few months.. But it is defiantly there.. somewhere, lurking in the underneath where no soul shall survive.. err *coughs* anywho :-)