A question about L2's camera behavior L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2006
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Hey everyone,

I want to know if there's a way to temporarily stop the camera from following my character? I'm sure there's something in the user.ini (through l2encdec) that I can change but I'm just not sure what. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Note: I wasn't sure if this thread belonged here so please feel free to move it to the appropriate location.
Hmm, I could have worn I used to have this option working back when L2 was C4 (or was it C3, I forget). The neat thing about being able to stop the camera from following your character is that it gives you a real, third-person perspective of the view, kind of like the same effect if you were to look through the broadcast towers, like let's say when watching the Olympiads. This camera effect opens up great possibilities for unique screenshots and movie-directing. :)

Oh, I hope someone knows of a way to enable this...
Sorry i dont know how but you can always experiment with your options.ini hehehe...Just try not to F**k up everything...=)
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