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A way to translate the client's string ?

Experienced Elementalist
May 18, 2005
Reaction score

Do you know if it is possible to edit the cleint's strings in order to translate it to another language ?

Thanks. If I understood I need a software in order to do this..
Do you know a tutorial or a post explainign a bit how can I unpack the files ?

Thanks ;)

Edit : Found

Now I'd like to disable the Korean and Chinese languages to eb sure the game will be in french.

do you know if it is possible to delete these languages from the client without any problem ?

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Now I'd like to disable the Korean and Chinese languages to eb sure the game will be in french.

do you know if it is possible to delete these languages from the client without any problem ?

No, the orginal international client also had the korean language files, because certain parts had not been translated correctly (yet, it's over a year ago I played).

I recomend you keep the korean language files, the english you should be able to ditch without worries, cause it'll use the korean language files if it miss something.
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Ok thanks to you.

Now I have another problem. I opened the 'e.pk' file in the Client\data\HyperText\e\ folder (with the password used for config.pk).

Now, I cant decrypt the .dat files with SwordCrypt, the file still isnt 'clear' after decrypting it ..

Do I have to change the key ? To use another way ?

Thansk to you ;)
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Ok thanks to you.

Now I have another problem. I opened the 'e.pk' file in the Client\data\HyperText\e\ folder (with the password used for config.pk).

Now, I cant decrypt the .dat files with SwordCrypt, the file still isnt 'clear' after decrypting it ..

Do I have to change the key ? To use another way ?

Thansk to you ;)
Just use a hexeditor, that's what we did before SwordCrypt was made :p
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Yes, but with encrypted text its going to be hard :P
And French is muuch longer than English ;)

Anybody has another idea ? xD
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Just use a hexeditor, that's what we did before SwordCrypt was made :p

The config files got a new encryption since then, I doubt you'd be able to do it all just by hexing the dats. Beside, its easier to have a text file to translate the entire thing instead of messing with hex codes.

Awab, go here , register and get the DAT2TXT Converter in the Downloads section. Use the CONFIG-DAT2TXT.exe for the dats that are in the config.pk and DAT2TXT.exe for the dats in e.pk. Once you're done use the TXT2DAT.exe corresponding to the type of dat you decrypted.

Oh yeah, its simple drag & drop, nothing easier.
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