A3 Client Guide And Links

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Initiate Mage
Dec 2, 2003
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ok you can get a3 client version 100,102,103,106 or whatever even 120 121 or more. Just follow this steps, first go download old a3 client maybe version 101/100 here; 100% working link;

2 links here

ok now you have the client download the patch from

they only have up to 1.06

ok now you want patch 120 right?

thai version go =http://www.projecta3.in.th/ob/index.php (you can find it in download section patch 120)

for other modified version posted by someone here

rest of the patch can be access from the FTP

and this is a3 launcher by joshe to play in private server

hope these will help, im not sure it works or not. but most important the links works

Just trying to help
btw i'm playing in official thai server which is currently in Open Beta, if you need help in registration post here, to play in thai server follow the steps above.
Btw i cant read thai but i had a very good translator.
I have Thai 1.20 client already but i cant make it work with our server(Eng server) :rolleyes:
about the launcher on
this file is hosted on my private pc :)
so if anybody would be so kind to mirror this file cause my pc ain't everytime online...
Damn :/ i install a3 ver.100 patch 1.06 then patch 120 and english patch i copy laucher and i lauch the game its loading and then i have error >>> Dmg.reinstall
i tried to make a patch (from v 1.20) for this thai 1.06 version
but it doesn't work after patching, so u have to search for 1.20 client exactly
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