A3 Section Rules And Regulations
1. This is an A3 Server development section and not A3 Tips or Chat Zone. So please do not ask discuss irrelevant topics.
2. If you wish to contribute to the section then please make sure that you post your Topic contains the following.
[Server Files] Topic Name – If you wish to contribute your set of server files.
[Guide] Topic Name – If you wish to share the Guide that you have written regarding the making of an A3 Server.
[Help] Topic Name – If you intend to seek help if you are stuck somewhere in the process of making your own server. Please refrain from mentioning any names in the topic.
[Tool] Topic Name – If you wish to share a tool that you found or personally made.
3. Try to not deviate from the subject of the topic. Any posts which are being spammed will be closed instantly and if the spammer’s actions are intentional then he shall be immediately infracted and suggested for ban.
4. Any statements directed towards race, sex, individuality and anything that is found offensive will be deleted immediately and the member will be infracted and complained to the Super Moderators for further actions.
5. Do not Private Message the Moderators asking to make your thread a sticky because you feel it’s worth it. It will be made a sticky after scrutinizing by the Moderators.
6. Please search your query before posting. Most of the issues have already been dealt with and you might find a solution to your problem. Any repetitive thread will be closed.
7. Any posts asking for hacking tips and other in the same category will be immediately locked.
8. Any post that originates a flame war will be instantly closed and the starter of the issue will be penalized if the Moderators find the intention totally uncalled for.
9. Do NOT advertize your servers in this section.
Please keep these rules in mind before posting.
Thank You.
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