About the 3 .exe

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 30, 2006
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Hi , i speack about charserver , worldserver and loginserver , existing patch for regroup the 3 .exe in 1 ?:sweatdrop
You mean one .EXE for all of them? No, that would kind of screw up the ports, etc.
Just do what Akai says he is the best here =P
and if you are to lazy to click on it just use a autoclicker =P
Its not lazyness, Its called we have to click all three every few hours because someone made a mess of the program or its not finished yet, so instead of opening everything all the time a .bat makes it much easier to open it instead of taking our time to play with it all the time, But of course it takes smart people like me to get fed up and just make it a service and say f*** it and fix it myself.

Yeah but I'm sooo lazy.
But I ain't stupid.
I was browsing these forums doing a little homework before I started up my own server, just to make things a little easier for me.

I made my own launcher (under releases) and am working on a launcher with the website displayed when you open it :)

So when I came across this thread I thought... That makes sense not to have to bother with those files if I can automate it.

I found FireDaemon ( ) and It not only keeps the files running if something happens, but it also runs them as a service, and they are not visible. Just thought I would share that.

cixis - About the 3 .exe - RaGEZONE Forums


  • services - About the 3 .exe - RaGEZONE Forums
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