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Apr 26, 2008
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I've been having a lot of acne and blackheads lately, even though I don't go to dusty places but still I get acne and a blackheads. And I tried using different facial wash but its not effective.

Any guys here having the same problem and got it solve?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Depends on your lifestyle. Wash your face every day with water and a face wash. Clean and clear, clearasil those kind of products work. Some people can get away with eating crap and they dont get spot outbreaks. So, cut down on fast foods, fried foods, and start eating more fruit and veg. Drink more water! Hydrate your skin! I have found that when the sun comes out, and I havent drunk enough water in a day I have an outbreak of whiteheads!
May 3, 2004
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I should mention some people are highly likely to get Acne, Blackheads, etc; more so than other people based on your unique biology. If you do what Rishnub said and you have been properly cleaning your face and nothing is working. I recommend simply visiting your doctor and he will tell you all about effective treatments you can use to eliminate this problem.

I've been fortunate enough to never have a problem with acne or blackheads, ever lol. I don't even know why. Guess i'm just a beautiful man.
i sell platypus
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2009
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Too many causes to it. I get outbreaks during the winter, but once I get some sun I rarely have any spots at all. If you're having issues with blackheads you should take steam baths(eg. have a bowl of very hot water and leaning your head over it).
When the sun is shining, go outside and get some tan. It helps a LOT.
Don't touch your head at all. This is also a cause to it. Touching your face. If you're at school or work where you put a hand on the face can contribute greatly to bad skin.
Changing your pillow case every day or putting a clean towel over it.
Wash your face in the morning and evening.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman
Loyal Member
Nov 4, 2007
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I've been having a lot of acne and blackheads lately, even though I don't go to dusty places but still I get acne and a blackheads. And I tried using different facial wash but its not effective.

Any guys here having the same problem and got it solve?
Well, I'm past the problem of acne. The stage in life were you (usually) develop acne is puberty, if you haven't already hit it then welcome to the gentlemens club. I recommend dieting as Rishwin said and you wash at least three times a day if you want to get rid of it the fastest way.
Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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My older brother had terrible acne but that wasn't because he had a poor diet (he ate relatively well in comparison to some folk). He needed medication to help get rid of it but even at that he still has a fair few patches of acne across his back and shoulders. As aforementioned it may just be a natural function of your body, speaking to the doctor is the best course of action. Consulting a forum of 13 year olds isn't. :laugh:
duck You
Loyal Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I rarely get acne or blackheads.

I usually don't use any facial washes.

I just shower every day.
May 30, 2004
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Good hygiene would prevent that sort of stuff. Often showers, fresh pillow cases, clean towels, etc.

yep if you notice pimples and black head behind your ears, wash your pillow cases and bed sheets and they will start to go away. it's dirt and oil. touching your face and rubbing your face rubs dirt and oil from your fingers and whatever junk on your fingers into your skin and could cause problems too.
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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2011
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Diet. Too much sugary/oily food causes it.

Wrong. i eat sugary foods every day, i eat oily foods a lot too, almost every day if not every yet i dont have acne.

funny how noone in this thread besides El Jamie has given an accurate even slightly honest answer. acne pimples black heads etc. come from hitting puberty and your hormones raging, yes certain foods and bad hygeine contribute to it but it doesnt matter if you shower 10 times a day and eat the most oil-less and sugar-less foods you can find, if your hormones are raging, and youre hitting puberty and thinking about sex a lot the chemicals and hormones in your body are going to react, which in return forms acne. i used to have them too, then i got laid and i stopped thinking about sex every hour of the day, now i dont have a single one and i stuff my mouth with sugary and oily foods almost everyday.

Our bodies make more sebum when our hormones surge. This is why teens get acne. This is why women often breakout before their periods. Since hormones fluctuate in the years leading up to menopause, many women in their 40s and 50s get acne.

Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels - androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent.
also known as "puberty"

Acne is so common that it's considered a normal part of puberty.
Teens get acne because of the hormonal changes that come with puberty.

During adolescence sebaceous glands enlarge and produce more sebum under the influence of hormones, also called androgens.

my advice, shower/bathe/wash your face often, find a girl, even if its a 1 night stand duck you have to pay for and screw her till she cant stand, and then stop thinking about sex so much. food has almost nothing to do with acne because oily food or sugary food or not if your hormones are raging and you dont wash your face, youre going to get acne.
Apr 27, 2009
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From the small amount i read people seem to be under the delusion that diet has an effect on acne which is 100% not true, there is no evidence towards that theory it's more like a myth that some people believe and others don't just like God.

If you want to get rid of it i suggest using Benzac 10% or something, just be careful because it will bleach everything.

Washing your face too much will only make it worse.

Also alot of people say this works but i wouldn't know you can only get it in America, .
Oct 2, 2004
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Wrong. i eat sugary foods every day, i eat oily foods a lot too, almost every day if not every yet i dont have acne.

funny how noone in this thread besides El Jamie has given an accurate even slightly honest answer. acne pimples black heads etc. come from hitting puberty and your hormones raging, yes certain foods and bad hygeine contribute to it but it doesnt matter if you shower 10 times a day and eat the most oil-less and sugar-less foods you can find, if your hormones are raging, and youre hitting puberty and thinking about sex a lot the chemicals and hormones in your body are going to react, which in return forms acne. i used to have them too, then i got laid and i stopped thinking about sex every hour of the day, now i dont have a single one and i stuff my mouth with sugary and oily foods almost everyday.

also known as "puberty"

my advice, shower/bathe/wash your face often, find a girl, even if its a 1 night stand duck you have to pay for and screw her till she cant stand, and then stop thinking about sex so much. food has almost nothing to do with acne because oily food or sugary food or not if your hormones are raging and you dont wash your face, youre going to get acne.
You have a very bad tendency of reading things which are not there and contradicting yourself in the pursuit of being the guy who always has to prove me wrong.

Don't tell me that i'm wrong, than go on to say that what i said is true to a certain degree. That's not the definition of "wrong" is it? Do you have a physical compulsion rending you unable to even partially agree without anything i have said regardless of how logical it may be?

Diet and hygiene are contributors of acne. Hormones are an ADDITIONAL cause, but are you going to tell a 30 year-old with acne that it's caused by him hitting puberty? He asked a general question, i gave a general answer. Don't get your panties into a knot because you made an assumption of his age which which nobody else did.

If he's my age and has long passed puberty, then hormones are less of a factor than his diet and hygiene is.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2011
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You have a very bad tendency of reading things which are not there and contradicting yourself in the pursuit of being the guy who always has to prove me wrong.

Don't tell me that i'm wrong, than go on to say that what i said is true to a certain degree. That's not the definition of "wrong" is it? Do you have a physical compulsion rending you unable to even partially agree without anything i have said regardless of how logical it may be?

Diet and hygiene are contributors of acne. Hormones are an ADDITIONAL cause, but are you going to tell a 30 year-old with acne that it's caused by him hitting puberty? He asked a general question, i gave a general answer. Don't get your panties into a knot because you made an assumption of his age which which nobody else did.

If he's my age and has long passed puberty, then hormones are less of a factor than his diet and hygiene is.

god you are so full of poop. i did not contradict myself anywhere, and it is YOU who always has to prove someone else wrong you Ducking in denial moron, you are denial and arrogance AT ITS BEST, almost every damn reply of yours is to argue with someone else and to prove them wrong it is stupid fuckwads like you who just make my face turn red with anger, just go take a 5 second glance at your posts if you dont believe me. and if anything it is YOU who contradicted himself,

Diet. Too much sugary/oily food causes it.
Diet and hygiene are contributors of acne.

first you say it is the primary cause, and then you say its a contributor. be weary that your stupidity will eventually catch up to you Rishwin and it is slowly starting to already, you cant hide behind that computer screen and "big bad 20+ year old" persona forever

im telling you youre wrong, because you are. get your head out of your butt and stop being so arrogant and realize youre not god and youre not all knowing idiot. notice i said CERTAIN FOODS, MEANING they are an "ADDITIONAL" cause, dont get so excited thinking im a moron like you that doesnt know what im talking about. what is a physical compulsion thats rending? you cant even spell, let alone reach a logical conclusion or argue properly.

no, hormones are NOT an additional cause, they are the PRIMARY cause. science does not lie, dermatologists does not lie, BIOLOGY DOES NOT LIE, according to you, unless youre admitting to contradicting yourself and that science does lie. a 30 year old with acne is nothing like a virgin teenager with raging hormones thinking about sex constantly you Special person they arent even apt comparisons in this case.

now go ahead and reply again, youre only going to make yourself look more retarded, go ahead and dig the hole deeper im amused by how ignorant and arrogant you are. or maybe you should just Grow Up like you claim to be and realize that you are wrong. your first post, and originally your only post clearly was stating that Diet is the SOLE contributor to acne, unless you were just misinforming him on purpose by leaving out the other, more important aspects? either way youre just a basement dwelling 20 something year old who thinks just cuz he hit his 20's means hes some grown up know it all badass. i got news for you, YOU ARE STILL AN ADOLESCENT IN THIS WORLD. stop running around acting like just because youre 20 something you run poop, youre not even 30, you dont know poop all you havent faced any tough times in this world yet to be acting as if youre the supreme being whos been through every hardship there is making you all intelligent over every scenario your pea-sized brain can imagine. perhaps your parents didnt raise you correctly as a child or maybe you just didnt pay attention in school, either way, you are not hot poop Rishwin and you are the definition of Hypocrisy and Arrogance.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman
Loyal Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Rishwin, Alienated, chill the duck out for christ sakes. it's only blackheads.
Cringed a little inside.

19. :dong:
Well, this probably isn't puberty since you're near enough fully developed so the only other thing you can do is wash daily (if you don't already) and consult a doctor or something. You can get things such as Clearasil in the UK where you wash your face with it and you see them go after a couple of weeks, but it's going to prove costly in the long run. Regardless, you'll get rid of them eventually, just make sure you look after yourself hygiene wise and you shall be alright.

god you are so full of poop. i did not contradict myself anywhere, and it is YOU who always has to prove someone else wrong you Ducking in denial moron, you are denial and arrogance AT ITS BEST, almost every damn reply of yours is to argue with someone else and to prove them wrong it is stupid fuckwads like you who just make my face turn red with anger, just go take a 5 second glance at your posts if you dont believe me. and if anything it is YOU who contradicted himself,

first you say it is the primary cause, and then you say its a contributor. be weary that your stupidity will eventually catch up to you Rishwin and it is slowly starting to already, you cant hide behind that computer screen and "big bad 20+ year old" persona forever

im telling you youre wrong, because you are. get your head out of your butt and stop being so arrogant and realize youre not god and youre not all knowing idiot. notice i said CERTAIN FOODS, MEANING they are an "ADDITIONAL" cause, dont get so excited thinking im a moron like you that doesnt know what im talking about. what is a physical compulsion thats rending? you cant even spell, let alone reach a logical conclusion or argue properly.

no, hormones are NOT an additional cause, they are the PRIMARY cause. science does not lie, dermatologists does not lie, BIOLOGY DOES NOT LIE, according to you, unless youre admitting to contradicting yourself and that science does lie. a 30 year old with acne is nothing like a virgin teenager with raging hormones thinking about sex constantly you Special person they arent even apt comparisons in this case.

now go ahead and reply again, youre only going to make yourself look more retarded, go ahead and dig the hole deeper im amused by how ignorant and arrogant you are. or maybe you should just Grow Up like you claim to be and realize that you are wrong. your first post, and originally your only post clearly was stating that Diet is the SOLE contributor to acne, unless you were just misinforming him on purpose by leaving out the other, more important aspects? either way youre just a basement dwelling 20 something year old who thinks just cuz he hit his 20's means hes some grown up know it all badass. i got news for you, YOU ARE STILL AN ADOLESCENT IN THIS WORLD. stop running around acting like just because youre 20 something you run poop, youre not even 30, you dont know poop all you havent faced any tough times in this world yet to be acting as if youre the supreme being whos been through every hardship there is making you all intelligent over every scenario your pea-sized brain can imagine. perhaps your parents didnt raise you correctly as a child or maybe you just didnt pay attention in school, either way, you are not hot poop Rishwin and you are the definition of Hypocrisy and Arrogance.
Don't start insulting other users with bigoted comments, it has to stop here, if it's taken further then it'll start into a mass argument. Chill out.