Adding a New Castle to the Game Mir2 

in your castle folder you will have a 0 folder, make a new folder called 1 (in the castle folder), copy the 2 txt files from 0 to 1, do not rename these, but change the info in the sabukw txt in 1, to the relevant info for your new castle,, ie map names, castle names, door positions, archer positions ect,, in the castle folder is a list.txt, add 1 in here under the 0

change administrator-0122 ( i think its that map) npc text to

This is the palace of Bichon Wall. I'm an Administrator\
who is in charge of many things. How may I help you?\ \
<Request Guild Creation./@@buildguildnow>\
<Request GuildWar/@guildwar>\
<Ask how to establish Guild/@buildguildexp>\
<Ask about Guild war/@guildwarexp>\
;<Request Subak Conquest War./@requestcastlewar>\
<Request Castle List/@requestcastlelist>\

In order to build a guild you should prove that you qualify.\
To verify your qualification you should provide 1 million gold\
and horn of Woomataurus who lives deep in side of WoomaTemple\
located in Woomyon woods.\ \

Let me know name of opponent Guild you wish to war.\
Allowing legal Guild war will cost u 30000 Gold\ \
<Click then type name of Guild to war/@guildwar>\

<GuildWar/@guildwar2> means war done by legal conquest.\
At present, because there are many guilds and many stuggles,\
goverment will approve <legal/@warrule> Guild war.\
If it is <requested/@propose> war will be allowed for 3 hours.\
You should pay<$GUILDWARFEE> Gold as request fee.\ \

when you request guild war, ID of same guild member will appear\
in blue collor. on the other side, ID of enemy guild member will\
appear orange.\
If you are connected during a Guild war, the message:\
'war with certain guild' will appear in chatting window and even\
if you kill a member of the enemy guild now fighting with, you.\
will not be regarded as PK.\

Guild war cannot take place in village.\
It can be executed out of certain ranges from village\
or inside contest area (like inside some buildings)\
However, if you PK your ID will be red in colour\
even during war.\ \

Proposal of guild war can only be requested\
by Guildchief.\\

To request wall conquest war you need a ZumaRelic.\
Do you have it?\
If requested war will be started in 3 days.\ \
<Give Zuma Relic/@requestcastlewarnow>\

Your request was excepted, the war will occur at\
<$CASTLEWARDATE> have a nice day.\

To begin a sabuk war, please choose from the list below\\

the <$REQUESTCASTLELIST> is the part that now shows which castle to war on,

if i've missed anything let me know, or continue to search where you are doing lol

Would it be possable to make Caslte GI or even BW palace in a casle hat can be aken over?