Adding shop to a npc on EP8 files

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 14, 2012
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Yesterday I worked over 8hours straight on trying to figure it out how it works. It's not as simple as it were in ep2 where you just add a line into the data_world/worldxx-npc.scp. Now it's NPCShop.scp which is included and you need to add your shop items into different groups which you later on assign the group (Pool_ID1 & Pool_ID2) to your npc.
Pool_ID1 = The first tab where you keep your regular items.
Pool_ID2 = The second tab where the "NPC Cash shop" is.

Now I couldn't manage to be able to add another item into another shop because there is something else other than NPCShop & cabal.enc which must be edited. Therefor I created this thread so if anyone could get this working, help me out

[Server]	Server_Index	Shop_ID
1	1	1

[NPC]	Shop_ID	World_ID	Order	NPC_ID	Pool_ID1	Pool_ID2
33	1	1	1	99	33	2

[Shop]	Pool_ID	SlotID	ItemKind	ItemOpt	DurationIdx	MinLevel	MaxLevel	Reputation	OnlyPremium	OnlyWin	AlzPrice	WExpPrice	DPPrice	CashPrice	Renew	ChracterBuyLimit	SellLimit	Marker	MaxReputation

870	33	0	241	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	400	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
871	33	2	242	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	1200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
872	33	4	243	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	3600	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
873	33	6	244	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	10800	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
874	33	16	106	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	600	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
875	33	18	107	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	1800	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
876	33	20	108	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	5400	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
877	33	22	109	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	16200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
878	33	48	196	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	400	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
879	33	50	197	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	1200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
880	33	52	198	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	3600	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
881	33	54	199	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	10800	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
882	33	64	151	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	400	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
883	33	66	152	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	1200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
884	33	68	153	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	3600	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
885	33	70	154	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	10800	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
886	33	80	245	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	16200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
887	33	82	110	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	24300	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
888	33	84	200	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	16200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20
889	33	86	155	0	0	0	0	-19	0	0	16200	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	20

<world_npc	id="99"	npc_name="npc01-0099"	x="10"	y="40"	is_obj="0"	/>

<shop	id="99"	>
				<item	slot_id="0"	item_id="241"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="600"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="2"	item_id="242"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="1800"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="4"	item_id="243"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="5400"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="6"	item_id="244"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="16200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="32"	item_id="106"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="600"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="34"	item_id="107"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="1800"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="36"	item_id="108"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="5400"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="38"	item_id="109"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="16200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="64"	item_id="196"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="400"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="65"	item_id="197"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="1200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="66"	item_id="198"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="3600"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="67"	item_id="199"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="10800"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="68"	item_id="151"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="400"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="69"	item_id="152"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="1200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="70"	item_id="153"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="3600"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="71"	item_id="154"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="10800"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="96"	item_id="245"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="24300"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="98"	item_id="110"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="24300"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="100"	item_id="200"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="16200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
				<item	slot_id="101"	item_id="155"	option="0"	reputation_class="-19"	duration_id="0"	price="16200"	onlypremium="0"	wexpprice="0"	dp="0"	/>
I posted this already but it got deleted either by a mod (coz he thought I bumb ancient dinosaurs, suggestion is rubbish) or by the rollback.

cabal.enc and cabal_msg.enc had no effect when I edited them so I skipped it.


world1-npc.scp Index is
NPCShop.scp NPC_ID

[NpcPos] Flags Index PosX PosY Type IsRangeCheck
48 0 99 21 30 1 1

[Server] Server_Index Shop_ID
1 1 1

[NPC] Shop_ID World_ID Order NPC_ID Pool_ID1 Pool_ID2
33 1 1 4 99 33 2

[Shop] Pool_ID SlotID ItemKind ItemOpt DurationIdx MinLevel MaxLevel Reputation OnlyPremium OnlyWin AlzPrice WExpPrice DPPrice CashPrice Renew ChracterBuyLimit SellLimit Marker MaxReputation
870 33 0 1 0 0 0 0 -19 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

Observe the already existing shop, weapon or armor seller from BloodyIce for example and you will get the idea.
Copy the config and change Index, ID, name, position etc,..
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