Well, I have an add-on for [Lil Web Release] RoseOn-like News System
Its a website, in php, put it in your webserver and configure it. You can post new, news articles easily.
Open post.php in notepad.
$dbuser="Username"; //database username
$dbpass="Password"; //database password
$dbname="Database"; //name of database
Change username to your database username
Password to the database password
database to the database containg the news_roseon table.
Table must be called news_roseon
Peace out, kthxbaii
Its a website, in php, put it in your webserver and configure it. You can post new, news articles easily.
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Open post.php in notepad.
$dbuser="Username"; //database username
$dbpass="Password"; //database password
$dbname="Database"; //name of database
Change username to your database username
Password to the database password
database to the database containg the news_roseon table.
Table must be called news_roseon
Peace out, kthxbaii