Aion Emulator 7.0 (with geodata)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 29, 2019
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2020-10-21 12:53:46,183 Critical Error - Thread: main terminated abnormaly: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerErrorjava.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null at com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServer.main( ~[AL-Game.jar:na]Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.aionemu.commons.versionning.Version.loadInformation( ~[al-commons-3.0.jar:na] at com.aionemu.commons.versionning.Version.<init>( ~[al-commons-3.0.jar:na] at com.aionemu.gameserver.utils.AEVersions.<clinit>( ~[AL-Game.jar:na] ... 1 common frames omitted

I can't run it . jdk1.8.0_121:scared:
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 4, 2013
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i use jdk1.8 bro try this

@echo offTITLE Aion Lightning - Game Server ConsoleSET PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin":STARTCLSecho.echo Starting Aion Lightning 7.0 Game Server.echo.REM -------------------------------------  REM Default parameters for a basic -Xms1280m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxHeapSize=8192m -Xdebug -XX:MaxNewSize=24m -XX:NewSize=24m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -ea -cp ./libs/*;./libs/AL-Game.jar com.aionemu.gameserver.GameServerREM -------------------------------------SET CLASSPATH=%OLDCLASSPATH%if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restartif ERRORLEVEL 1 goto errorif ERRORLEVEL 0 goto endREM Restart...:restartecho.echo Administrator Restart ...echo.goto startREM Error...:errorecho.echo Server terminated abnormaly ...echo.goto endREM End...:endecho.echo Server terminated ...echo.pause
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 29, 2019
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This code can't run.Maybe I'm not destined for this version
Initiate Mage
Dec 6, 2020
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can help me where I find data to modify character damage ?????
Initiate Mage
Dec 8, 2020
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Bom dia!


Tenho algumas dúvidas sobre este Emulator-Aion7.0 e já agradeço pela ajuda.

1o. - Nessa nova versão Aion7.0, eu tenho percebido que houve algumas mudanças nas Tabelas. Foi acrescentado novas colunas (estou usando o Navicat 8.2).

A Tabela que tenho dúvida é a do "gameservers" e estou tendo dúvidas de como completá-la. No momento deixei da seguinte forma...

id = 1;

district = (Null) - É a primeira vez que vejo essa coluna;

mask =;

password = root - Mudei o password porque fica mais fácil de lembrar;

status_online = (Null) - Também é a primeira vez que vejo essa coluna.

- O que devo preencher nas colunas "district" e "status_online" para o Emulator rodar corretamente?

2o. - No Aion7.0 Cliente(GamezAion) será necessário mudar o arquivo "d3d8thk_dll" nas Pastas 32x ou 64x? Se Sim, você tem os arquivos para fazer a mudança? (no momento estou usando o Win7 64x)

Nesse mesmo Aion7.0 Cliente(GamezAion), existe alguns arquivos que eu não conheço...

- GamezAION 32bit(bat);
- GamezAION 64bit(bat);
- GamezAION(aplicativo);
- Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf(dll);
- Pub(key);
- sc_renew(dat) - não lembro desse;
- sc_renew_local(dat) - não lembro desse.

Alguns desses arquivos podem causar algum problema se ficar na pasta do Cliente ao rodar o Emulator-Aion7.0?

O arquivo GamezAION(aplicativo) não seria o Launcher?

Existe mais alguma informação que eu deveria saber do Emulator-Aion7.0 que seja diferente do Emulator-Aion4.7.5 para o Cliente(GamezAion) que pretendo usar?

3o. - Pode ocorrer algum problema se for usado o java "jdk - 64x" para essa nova versão Emulator-Aion7.0?(já fiz as mudanças nos arquivos .bat)

4o. - Em "gameserver\config\main\", existe uma Opção que eu gostaria de pedir para você mudar, porque o habito que aprecio em jogar Aion é da forma "simgle player"( Vou deixar abaixo a Opção e a Sugestão...

# How many days should pass for broker items to mark as a expired items
# Default: 8-days = 8

Seria possível adicionar outra Opção (com o "Valor = 0"), para deixar o item, que é colocado à venda, ficar no broker permanentemente (sem limite de tempo), até ser vendido?

5o. - No Emulator-Aion4.7.5, existe um Comando Admin que abre um GM-Painel que da acesso a PC de Voar Livre todo o mapa do jogo. No Emulator-Aion7.0 existe esse Comando e Painel? Se Sim, será que você pode me passar esse Comado? Já tem algum tempo que não jogo e não lembro mais como acessar o Painel.

PS: Fazer um Voo Livre em Aion é bem divertido.

Obrigado pela sua atenção


Good Morning!


I have some doubts about this Emulator-Aion7.0 and I thank you for your help.

1st. - In this new version of Aion7.0, I have noticed that there have been some changes in the Tables. New columns have been added (I am using Navicat 8.2).

The table that I have doubts about is that of "gameservers" and I am having doubts about how to complete it. At the moment I left it as follows...

id = 1;

district = (Null) - It’s the first time I’ve seen this column;

mask =;

password = root - I changed the password because it is easier to remember;

status_online = (Null) - It’s also the first time I’ve seen this column;

- What should I fill in the "district" and "status_online" columns for the Emulator to run correctly?

2nd. - In Aion7.0 Client(GamezAion) will it be necessary to change the file "d3d8thk_dll" in 32x or 64x folders? If yes, do you have the files to make the change? (I'm currently using Win7 64x)

In that same Aion7.0 Client (GamezAion), there are some files that I don't know...

- GamezAION 32bit(bat);
- GamezAION 64bit(bat);
- GamezAION(application);
- Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf(dll);
- Pub(key);
- sc_renew(dat) - I don't remember this;
- sc_renew_local(dat) - I don't remember that one.

Can any of these files cause a problem if they stay in the Client folder when running Emulator-Aion7.0?

Wouldn't the GamezAION(application) file be the Launcher?

Is there any other information I should know about Emulator-Aion7.0 that is different from Emulator-Aion4.7.5 for Client(GamezAion) that I intend to use?

3rd. - Can a problem occur if java "jdk - 64x" is used for this new version Emulator-Aion7.0?(I already made the changes to the .bat files)

4th. - In "gameserver\config\main\", there is an Option that I would like to ask you to change, because the habit I enjoy playing Aion is in the "simgle player" ( form. I'll leave the Option and Suggestion below...

# How many days should pass for broker items to mark as a expired items
# Default: 8-days = 8

Would it be possible to add another Option (with "Value = 0"), to let the item, which is offered for sale, remain in the broker permanently (without time limit), until it is sold?

5th. - In Emulator-Aion4.7.5, there is an Admin Command that opens a GM-Panel that gives access to the PC of Free Fly throughout the game map. In Emulator-Aion7.0 there is this Command and Panel? If yes, can you give me this Command? I haven't played for some time and I no longer remember how to access the Panel.

PS: Taking a free flight in Aion is really fun.

Thanks you for your attention

Master Summoner
May 25, 2020
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[QUOTE = wern; 9046758] [QUOTE = Robson26; 9046752] Да, эти файлы представляют собой смесь ArchSoft, AionGer, Encom и т.д ...
Многие sql- файлы отсутствуют .

- - - Обновлено - - -

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: В этом EMU таблицы разбиты :huh:[/ QUOTE]

There are many custom systems that no one has, and they all come from a Russian project. Once it has already hit the ball, it may be useful to someone, and someone will do better.I would launch public development of 7.0 based on this build, there would be a lot of new things to show to users and developers. Maybe I'll do it soon. [/ QUOTE]
where is this public Development what u talk ??