AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2014
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Before starting the tutorial, we will download all the tools:
Latest version of the server and client

Unzip the server files and edit the settings file called "server.ini" in which we will change the IP that comes by default with the IP of our machine. (In my case I'll ride as only 1 gameserver and can be mounted server with multiple gamesevers on the need to change the port to servers and configure them as such.)
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums

Once this is done, we give the executable AKCore Launcher and give the Webserver And Database button will start us a program in which you have to start Apache and MySQL services.
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums
Leading off PHPmyadmin entered, select the database dbo export data and, after that, can close everything.
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums
After import, modify the functions in the following manner, as by default come with the user "root @%" , shall be as follows. (This step is no longer necessary, but it never hurts to let more)
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums
I put the AuthLogin for example, do all the same.
Now install Xampp (I assume that you know run a webserver), enter the phpmyadmin, create the database named dbo (or as you feel like), edit the file databases with notepad (Notepad) and replace the following:
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums
We import modified databases that we have taken before, after this, go to "C: \ xampp \ htdocs " rename the index.php to index.bkp and put the there and edit the line 3 of file: connect ('localhost', 'your_username', 'TU_PASSWORD', 'dbo');
example theoretical connect ('localhost (do not touch)', 'root', 'root_password', 'dbo (database name)') ;
example. practical: connect ('localhost', 'root', 'asdf1234', 'dbo');
Once here, we have the settings made and we can only:Create us a DNS on the server for use as a public link to the website and server.Edit the "C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts" file (you will have to give edit permissions) and insert the following lines: DNS_SERVER DNS_SERVER
Now open the following ports on our routter:
80 and 3306 (TCP) for Xampp
30001, 20200, 20300 and 20400 (TCP) to DBO
Finally edit the "ConfigOptions.xml" file with our DNS to interact with the server.
<? Xml version = "1.0"?><Config_options><Op ver = "0.1" ip = "TU_DNS" port = "20200" /><Local ver = "0.1" local_dsp = "Language \ local_data.dat" local_sync_dsp = "Language \ local_sync_data.dat" /><BUGTRAP ip = "TU_DNS" port = "30001" folder = "DBO Client (CJI_Release)" /></ Config_options>
Finally, we will have our mounted DBO Online AKCore by Emu.
HerSo Sytes - AKCore Emu Oneclick Repack Online with xampp. - RaGEZONE Forums
Thanks to Atidot3, Substitutes, Kalisto, Nicolaus321, and other developers who are working in the pryecto u / or collaborated on time, without these people (and other groups also welcome) Dragon Ball Online have died hopelessly. I hope you serve and enjoy it as much as I do !!


My Webpage with this tutorial (multilingual by google):
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