AkCore | Setup Hamachi Online Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 10, 2015
Reaction score
Hey Ragezone!
Here is a tutorial to install AKCore (one Click Repack) Online with Hamachi.

before we start this thinks do you need :

Hamachi --->
Ak Core Repack v1.8 ----> https://forum.ragezone.com/f880/akcore-click-repack-1031535/
AK Core Client -----> https://forum.ragezone.com/f880/akcore-click-repack-1031535/

Install and setup Hamachi you will get a Hamachi IP-Adress.
Unpack Core Client and Repack.

So let's make a Hamachi Online Server in 1 Minute :)
Open the Server.ini and replace all with the code below

################################################ AKCore Server configuration file #
# Using TrinityCore conf file example #

# Server SETTINGS #
# #
# Address = is using for the internal server connection #
# If you set your IPAddress to something other than Hamachi IP #
# You MUST set all the server addresses to your Network IP(eg #
# Port is the same for internal / external #
# #
# auth server connect to -> Char server using the Address ip #
# #
# Luiz45- In case of enabling multiple servers you need specify the Server number! #
# example: [Char Server0] [Chat Server0] [Game Server0] for Server 1 #
# example: [Char Server1] [Chat Server1] [Game Server1] for Server 2 #
Address = Hamachi IP

EnableMultipleServers = true
MaxServerAllowed = 2

[Auth Server]
Address =Hamachi IP
Port = 20200

###Main server when Multiple Servers are disabled
[Char Server]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 20300

[Char Server0]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 20300

[Char Server1]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 20310
[Chat Server]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 20400
###Main server when Multiple Servers are disabled
[Game Server]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 30001
ServerName = AKCoreMain

[Game Server0]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 30001
ServerName = AKCore Darkspire

[Game Server1]
Address = Hamachi IP
Port = 30002
ServerName = AKcore Deathwing
# #
# LoginDatabaseInfo #
# Description: Database connection settings for the server. #
# Example: "hostname;port;username;password;database" #
# ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows #
# "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] #
# section my.ini) #
# ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on #
# Unix/Linux) #
# Default: Host = tcp://Hamachi IP:3306 #
# User = root #
# Password = NULL NULL for no password ! #
# Db = dbo #
Host = tcp://
User = dbo
Password = akcore
Db = dbo


# #
# #
# PlayerLimit #
# Description: Maximum number of players in the world. Excluding Mods, GMs and Admins. #
# #
# Default: 100 - (Enabled) #
# 1+ - (Enabled) #
# 0 - (Disabled, No limit) #
# #
# PlayerSaveInterval #
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) for player save interval. #
# Default: 900000 - (15 min) #
# #
# PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout #
# Description: Save player stats only on logout. #
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Only save on logout) #
# 0 - (Disabled, Save on every player save) #
PlayerLimit = 100
PlayerSaveInterval = 900000
PlayerSaveStatsSaveOnlyOnLogout = 1

Replace "Hamachi IP" with your Hamachi IP.
Open a Network invite Friends and Play Online :)

Client :
Open "ConfigOptions" replace "Hamachi IP" with your Hamachi IP
<?xml version="1.0"?><config_options>
    <op ver="0.1" ip="Hamachi IP" port="20200"/>
    <local ver="0.1" local_dsp="Language\local_data.dat" local_sync_dsp="Language\local_sync_data.dat"/>
    <BUGTRAP ip="Hamachi IP" port ="20201" folder="DBO Client(CJI_Release)" />
Hi guys!
I'm trying to start akcore, but, when I click on "Webserver And Database" I've this error: "Spaces are not allowed please corect and run the application again. To prevent problems UniController will close"

How can I fix it?

Just for info guys, but in this AKCore repack, when I open myPHP and looking for the database, it contein nothing, no function, no table etc...how can the server work well without the db?

Just for info guys, but in this AKCore repack, when I open myPHP and looking for the database, it contein nothing, no function, no table etc...how can the server work well without the db?


you need import the .sql file from you akcore directory to myphp.
you need import the .sql file from you akcore directory to myphp.

Thks Bepovi for your response but I looked in all of the folders under AKCore1.8 but I haven't found any .sql database, if you have can you upload in this thread. Now, just for test, I've load the database that I've found in one old post ok the AKcore server files, but I don't know if is thr same DB.

Thks again.

Thks Bepovi for your response but I looked in all of the folders under AKCore1.8 but I haven't found any .sql database, if you have can you upload in this thread. Now, just for test, I've load the database that I've found in one old post ok the AKcore server files, but I don't know if is thr same DB.

Thks again.


i dont know whats the right .sql file for ak 1.8 but you can try this:

View attachment Database.rarView attachment dbo.rar
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