Alarm Question!

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 6, 2004
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ok so you know those things that they have at places like Best Buy and other electronic stores, the things that are like a circle with 4 strings comeing off of it and it surrounds things like games and other various things, my friends and I call them "spiders" but does anybody know what they are really called? I will try to describe it a little better
They have like a circle on the top part of the box, with 4 cords coming out of it, one to go around each side, and then they attach to the bottom with this rectangular piece of plastic, and if a cord is cut or things like that, an alarm will go off.. anyone know what these are called exactly?
If you plan to disable them, it can be done quite easily I think.

First, take one home. Put it into one of those aluminium bags you can get at foodstores to keep food cold in, that way if you nick one out the shop the alarms won't go off.

Then, once you're home, build an EMP generator and find out exactly how much energy you need to fry the circuits. With some skills even a small compact camera can be transformed into a good EMP generator. Next its a simple matter of going to the shop, blast the living shit out of the alarm thingie and cutting the wires :icon6:

Note that all of this is highly illegal and if you try it you'd better not be dropping soap for a while.. :wink:
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A good coolbag made of aluminiumfoil basicly is a faraday cage, so there you go :wink: Furthermore, they're banned here in a lot of shops because a lot'a people already used that trick and it obviously worked :icon6:

But like you said, they can be disabled by radio/magnetic signal, so an EMP should work wonders :wink: