im alive after fucking not being home in 2days lol..... drunk for so long peace!
lol ur obsessed =PTupac said:haha now gimmie names of celebs who been in porn
but i thoguth you was gonna cyber me =/GohanSSJ said:Yey, now we can cyber again. :tp:
[email protected] =PGohanSSJ said:I'll cyber you all.
Still your not on my msn list so there isn't much to cyber.
or you could always do the real thing..with your usb port, or whatever part on yoru computer =PGohanSSJ said:Damn... and i was hoping for some cybering.
Only SIC on now, and he ain't any good.
oh i thought you was talkign bout the emergency eject hole, then i got worriedGohanSSJ said:Nah, unlike Sol my private part is way to big for it, maybe i could use the hole in my cd rom drive (you know the one when you open it...)
what take the button out of it and use dat hole lol?GohanSSJ said:Nah, unlike Sol my private part is way to big for it, maybe i could use the hole in my cd rom drive (you know the one when you open it...)