[ALTERNATIVE] For Navicat program

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 23, 2007
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Having some worries that after 30 days, your navicat program will expire? Why use cracks for navicat program? These was also my problem before. I've search the web and I so this website and they have a program that almost the same as navicat program. The only difference is it doesn't have any expiration date ^^

how to apply rosedb running heidisql program:

same instructions as navicat but the only difference is on how you execute the batch file part

1. after you created a roseon database name, click on Import, then Load SQL file. of course just load the osrose svn file found on your rose server folder

2. after loading, click on F9 to execute the file. This will take some time to load the file, you will actually see that there is a progress bar just below the window.

3. grab your can of pringles, get a piece or two and eat them ^^ you're done
hehe thanks dude! it took me 2 days to figure out how this program works to setup roseonline. good thing i didn't gave up on the 2nd day! ^^
what do you mean edit your character? as in edit the stats and zulies? if you were refering to the stats/zulies etc., of a character, just click on the rorseon database and it will expand, and select characters. and then click on "data" tab. I hope that helps you in your problem.

and one more thing. after you edit the stats, click on the "check icon" that says "post edit" just to make sure that you were able to save every changes that you've made on that character/account.
sir, are you refering to heidisql? if so, im not really sure what to say, coz mssql and heidisql is currently installed on the same pc and I don't execute mssql in order to have my heidisql running. but if you are going to migrate from mssql to heidisql, I think that would be a different issue. hehe!

i'm sorry...im lost T_T I think you're refering ro mysql 5.0 and MSSql of microsoft
im just confused, does mysql is needed when installing navicat? although if i've installed mssql on my pc? or does mssql and mysql are two different things that operates different languages/codes..
you need to install mysql 5.0 before you install navicat/heidisql because it will just give you an error message "cannot connect to localhost" when you try to login
U install "MYSQL" <--- Database server..
U install "Navicat" OR "HeidiSQL" <---- GUI for MYSQL.
and that's it.
what's wrong? is it on your mysql or heidisql? :)

well, im just giving an alternative program to use if your program is expiring. it's still up to you if you want to use a trial version of navicat. why bother looking for some crack for this program where in you can have another program almost the same as navicat.

I don't advise you to use crack as well...1st, it's against the law ^^
second, you are not sure if this file is clean or not (spyware/virus)
nc i now i have a solution for my navicat the has 30 days free trial.
ThX alternative.This is the guy you taught how to find the mega guide
Heidisql has a new release of their product. I advise you just to use the previous version because the new version is still in beta stage and we are still unsure what are the bugs that this version has. as for the previous version, I don't encounter any problems yet
excuse me sir, didn't you understant the topic? I think it says, "alternative"

most probably you're using a crack on you navicat so you have the guts to say those things. poor thing. If you have nothing good to say so just don't post anything like that one again.

I'm just here to help those people who want to use a LEGAL software but don't have the luxury to buy one. thank you
excuse me sir, didn't you understant the topic? I think it says, "alternative"

most probably you're using a crack on you navicat so you have the guts to say those things. poor thing. If you have nothing good to say so just don't post anything like that one again.

I'm just here to help those people who want to use a LEGAL software but don't have the luxury to buy one. thank you
sorry wasn't trying to be nasty just meant for people who can't understand the system u found sorry >.>
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