And he does it again! --> My newly ordered hardware upgrade! ;)

A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
West Coast, US
Earlier this morning I decided to go ahead and upgrade my GPU.. and through a bunch of research I came up with purchasing the: XFX 8800GTS XXX Extreme 320MB PCI-E.

RUnning me $339, prices just dropped a damn good amount (over a hundred dollars) and will be a neat upgrade to cover my old XFX 6800GT 256MB PCI-E.

I'll let ya all know how it goes when it gets here.. heres a link for the curious!

XFX PVT80GGHD9 GeForce 8800GTS 320MB XXX DDR3 PCI-Express Video Card w/Dual DVI HDTV-Out Retail at ZipZoomfly
COnsidering that even if I wait for the 8900's to com out, there will still be a bottleneck between my current CPU and the newer GPU's, so this card will about top my system out before I give myself another year to save up for a brand new gaming rig.. top of the line.

I woudl recommend anyone using any older 7600's or before, to go ahead and throw up the money now to get one of these.. its the right time for it, and these neweer games are resource hogs for GPUs :-)
its a realy good card shorter then the 8800gtx and gts (the higher ones) and uses 1 power molex :P also it seems to run at the same lvl of the higher gts maybe a little lower on more intensive games and higher rez it will still kick the 7xxx cards asses

here is a link on the review:
GeForce 8800 GTS 320 MB XFX XXX & BFG OC

its worth buying i say

i should of bough two of these instead of the 8800gtx :/ i would of saved money and have better gfx :/
COnsidering that even if I wait for the 8900's to com out, there will still be a bottleneck between my current CPU and the newer GPU's, so this card will about top my system out before I give myself another year to save up for a brand new gaming rig.. top of the line.

I woudl recommend anyone using any older 7600's or before, to go ahead and throw up the money now to get one of these.. its the right time for it, and these neweer games are resource hogs for GPUs :-)

There's still a bottle neck with that card and your CPU. =P

Sucks tbh. All that GPU power and can't fully use it unless you have a large monitor. Never the less it's a nice buy. Once you get yourself a new rig pop in another one of those and it'll be really flying.

Much better then my single 7900GTX. :cry:

its a realy good card shorter then the 8800gtx and gts (the higher ones) and uses 1 power molex :P also it seems to run at the same lvl of the higher gts maybe a little lower on more intensive games and higher rez it will still kick the 7xxx cards asses

here is a link on the review:
GeForce 8800 GTS 320 MB XFX XXX & BFG OC

its worth buying i say

i should of bough two of these instead of the 8800gtx :/ i would of saved money and have better gfx :/

Shorter then the 640mb GTS? All the stuff I've read about says both GTS's are the same aside from the memory chip density. =P

But yeah those 320's are really worth it. Makes DX10 reach able to more people.

Not bad pricing nVidia is going to have.

$600 - 8950 GX2
$550 - 8900 GTX
$500 - 8900 GTS
$450 - 8800 GTX
$400 - 8800 GTS 640mb
$350 - 8900 GS
$300 - 8800 GTS 320mb
$250 - 8600 Ultra
$200 - 8600
$150 - 8300 Ultra
$100 - 8300
$80 - G78 (7300 w/ die shrink)

They are going to have a card no matter your price rage. A pair of the 8900 GTX's are very tempting. Probably will get them if the 8800 GTX's don't drop sub $500 before the release or the x2800XTX is vastly better then 2x 8800 GTX's (single x2800 uses 240w and that's to hot for my liking and who knows if CF will be good or not). :icon6:

NoPeace - out
im happy with my 3d1
i dont play games
and those i play run smoothly under 1280x1024
some months before i used to run under 1200x1600 (i loved my crt)
:O why would u want a 8900? the 8800 is already fast enough XD

It should be as fast as SLI 8800GTS's =P

So when you are thinking of getting a card you can choose for more power if you have the money. Not to mention the x2800XTX is going to be faster then the 8800GTX so nVidia will want to make something that's just as good. And the 8900's are on 80nm. So less power and runs cooler.

So you get more speed and it uses less power and runs cooler, which also means quieter, for just $100 more. ;)

Good deal in my mind. But yeah. The 8800 GTX is already so fast that it's at the point of being to fast. And with DX10 games it should run then even faster then DX9 games. O.O

NoPeace - out
no point getting the 768mb now... just buy 2X gts 320 it should beat the 768 in some ways + u get twice the performance
no point getting the 768mb now... just buy 2X gts 320 it should beat the 768 in some ways + u get twice the performance

Unless it's from Evga. ;)

You got to love the Trade Up Program that they off. Buy a card and if in the next 90 days something better comes out you can upgrade at the difference in cost.

So if you buy a 8800GTX for $600 and the 8900GTX comes out next month for $550 or the 8950GX2 for $600 you'll get a free upgrade to either of them + the cost of tax and shipping. So basically you pay $40 for a better card.

Pretty sweet deal in my option. Totally forgot about that and might just figure out a way to get some 8800 GTX's sooner and then upgrade them to 8900's or 8950's. Just imagine getting a total quad system. Quad SLI with a Quad Core with 4 sticks of memory with 4 HDD. :drool:

Also if you are thinking about getting dual 320's I'll wait. The 8950GX2 will be faster as it has higher clocks and more RAM.

NoPeace - out
Unless it's from Evga. ;)

You got to love the Trade Up Program that they off. Buy a card and if in the next 90 days something better comes out you can upgrade at the difference in cost.

So if you buy a 8800GTX for $600 and the 8900GTX comes out next month for $550 or the 8950GX2 for $600 you'll get a free upgrade to either of them + the cost of tax and shipping. So basically you pay $40 for a better card.

Pretty sweet deal in my option. Totally forgot about that and might just figure out a way to get some 8800 GTX's sooner and then upgrade them to 8900's or 8950's. Just imagine getting a total quad system. Quad SLI with a Quad Core with 4 sticks of memory with 4 HDD. :drool:

Also if you are thinking about getting dual 320's I'll wait. The 8950GX2 will be faster as it has higher clocks and more RAM.

NoPeace - out

im waiting for evga to RMA my 6600 it freezes XP
so i should get 8900gx2s????
Oh, just to let ya know.. I got the card 2 days after I ordered it (happy day happy day!) And lucky enough it came on a day off from work... SHoudl have seen me, I was in the middle of an online game grouping wiht some buddies.. as soon as I heard the FedEx truck pull in, I said a quick 'Ill be back in 15 guys! New GFX card!', logged out, quickly started the uninstall on my graphics, went out to pick the card off my doorstep, then came in, shut the power off, and popped the new card in.. within 3 minutes of throwing it in, I had it up and running.

My God these cards are an amazing advancement over anything.. a simple 350 dollar card outperfforms dual 7900's hands down... I literally threw up every game I had, 1600x1200, maximum settings across the board.. and I dont even stutter.. pulling an easy 50-80 fps depending on the game. In my own personal preference, if I dont get at least 60 FPS on a first person shooter then its not worth it.. higher frame rates mean you can flick yoru mouse behind you and it wont lag whatsoever and only drop the frames by 1 or 2.. and now im playing battlefield 2142 1600x1200 maxed out and its friggin amazing.. everythign runs so fast, its almost like everythign runs in bullettime and I can dodge anything! (Well.. not really, but you get my drift).

On 3DMark06 I got a score of 7653 on my system.. which is amazing for the computer pieces I have.. but I can take that score and know its because I have a nicely set up computer.. my next upgrade will eventually be the new 45nm chips coming out in a few quarters from intel.. I heard it was rumored they will make a debut halfway into second quarter, so I hope its true!.

Right now Im putting aside $2500 for a new topped out intel rig when the new chips come out.. since mine runs games just fine theres no reason to upgrade it...

And for anyone really wondering.. no, you dont need SLI on these cards, that will only hinder your CPU even more.. I can probably get another 25-30% out of this graphics card jsut by upgrading my CPU to somethign more standard (Dual Core e6600+ or so) but since I have no reason to as Im not experiencing any lag whatsoever.. Stickign with a single GPU is jsut fine and perfect.

Anyways, best of luck to everyone out there.. if you want any more information, let me know.. and jsut for the information... this card is just as short as my 6800GT I pulled out.. which is amazingly short.. it doesnt even extend past the edge of the motherboard.. its about half an inch short of that.. wheras an 8800GTX runs a good inch and a half past it or so (Might be more.. cant remember)

Oh, and also.. my birthday is tommorow (March 2nd) Turning 23.. and celebrating by splooging and buying myself a Samsung 226BW 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor.. sadly it still only runs at 1680xx1050.. but Im not going to spend an extra thousand dollars just to hit 1900x resolutions when I really dont need it (much less have the deskspace for a 26"+ monitor!)
My God these cards are an amazing advancement over anything.. a simple 350 dollar card outperfforms dual 7900's hands down... I literally threw up every game I had, 1600x1200, maximum settings across the board.. and I dont even stutter.. pulling an easy 50-80 fps depending on the game. In my own personal preference, if I dont get at least 60 FPS on a first person shooter then its not worth it.. higher frame rates mean you can flick yoru mouse behind you and it wont lag whatsoever and only drop the frames by 1 or 2.. and now im playing battlefield 2142 1600x1200 maxed out and its friggin amazing.. everythign runs so fast, its almost like everythign runs in bullettime and I can dodge anything! (Well.. not really, but you get my drift).

Out preforms dual 7900's? I don't think so. That's what the GTX is for. =P

Though the GTS does outperform a 7900GTX.

And yeah. Anything less then 60 FPS isn't worth it. Or if you on an LCD anything below the damn refresh rate isn't worth it at all. :cry:

And it sucks how you can play BF 2142. My stupid NIC is a piece of crap and always disconnected me and not ot mention dual x1900's didn't like to run that game. Though I should try it again since I went back to the 7900GTX.

And it's a real shame. A $350 card rivals my $600 one. O.O

On 3DMark06 I got a score of 7653 on my system.. which is amazing for the computer pieces I have.. but I can take that score and know its because I have a nicely set up computer.. my next upgrade will eventually be the new 45nm chips coming out in a few quarters from intel.. I heard it was rumored they will make a debut halfway into second quarter, so I hope its true!.

Nice score with a weak CPU. O.O

And the 45nm's wont be about until early 2008. The first batch of ES's should be out around late Q2 and 6 months latter they should be retail.

And they are going to be sick. About 3.5ghz with hyper threading.

Though the AMD K9's will be out late Q2 or Q3 and they should rival the C2D's.

Right now Im putting aside $2500 for a new topped out intel rig when the new chips come out.. since mine runs games just fine theres no reason to upgrade it...

And for anyone really wondering.. no, you dont need SLI on these cards, that will only hinder your CPU even more.. I can probably get another 25-30% out of this graphics card jsut by upgrading my CPU to somethign more standard (Dual Core e6600+ or so) but since I have no reason to as Im not experiencing any lag whatsoever.. Stickign with a single GPU is jsut fine and perfect.

Yeah you should see about a 25% gain with a better CPU. Though SLI will really come in handy with newer games as 320mb isn't quite enough to run a high resolution like 16x12 with 4 samples of AA and HDR. Which will be what any high end computer should run. =P

Anyways, best of luck to everyone out there.. if you want any more information, let me know.. and jsut for the information... this card is just as short as my 6800GT I pulled out.. which is amazingly short.. it doesnt even extend past the edge of the motherboard.. its about half an inch short of that.. wheras an 8800GTX runs a good inch and a half past it or so (Might be more.. cant remember)

The GTS is 9" just like the 7900GTX's and x1900's and the 8800GTX is 10.5".

Think the GTX is long? Try looking at the OEM version of the x2800XTX. It's 12" long! O.O

Oh, and also.. my birthday is tommorow (March 2nd) Turning 23.. and celebrating by splooging and buying myself a Samsung 226BW 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor.. sadly it still only runs at 1680xx1050.. but Im not going to spend an extra thousand dollars just to hit 1900x resolutions when I really dont need it (much less have the deskspace for a 26"+ monitor!)

Lol... I hear you on the montior. =P

I my self is thinking of getting the 20" version of it. Since it's the same resolution. Though Dell is planning on releasing a 22" monitor that does 19x12 and will cost about $50 more then a normal 22" one.

Hope that one comes out soon as it'll be kick ass to game in full HD.

NoPeace - out
THe big reason I'm working ong etting myself a 226BW is because it provides a base 1000:1 Contrast, with 3000:1 digital ratio.. along with a 2ms G/G, the reviews are mad crazy about it.. and with the proper computer its bound to almost rival what a CRT can put out..

I can tell you though, I've been really if-if about ever switchign off of my current CRT, nothign beats the quality of one.. the only sad part, is the fact its a giant 60 lb paperweight taking up 1/3rd of my deskspace.

And christ at 12" on a graphics card.. yeah, it would it in my case right now, but anyone who wants to buy one would -have- to purchase a full tower case just to throw it in, unless of course some case making company gets smart and creates a new age case thats about 7-8" longer then a base mid size case.. that would turn some heads for sure.
THe big reason I'm working ong etting myself a 226BW is because it provides a base 1000:1 Contrast, with 3000:1 digital ratio.. along with a 2ms G/G, the reviews are mad crazy about it.. and with the proper computer its bound to almost rival what a CRT can put out..

Yeah they are quite sick. Got a Samsung HDTV with a 3000:1 ratio and it's pretty sick. Though at times it can be extream since there are a few bugs with the DNI engine that drives the added contrast but never the less it's pretty damn good.

But did you know that Dell monitors are actually Samsung with a different case and logo? ;)

can tell you though, I've been really if-if about ever switchign off of my current CRT, nothign beats the quality of one.. the only sad part, is the fact its a giant 60 lb paperweight taking up 1/3rd of my deskspace.

Yeah I was like that at first. But now I perfer a good LCD to a CRT any day now. Less space and just as good at times.

And christ at 12" on a graphics card.. yeah, it would it in my case right now, but anyone who wants to buy one would -have- to purchase a full tower case just to throw it in, unless of course some case making company gets smart and creates a new age case thats about 7-8" longer then a base mid size case.. that would turn some heads for sure.

Good thing that's just the OEM version. =P

The standard card is 9.5" long with a 2.5" long fan on the end of the OEM version.

The card itself draws 240w of power and the OEM draws another 30w!

So 270w for a single card. Combine that with another one and add it to their top desktop setup. You'll be seeing a setup that requires over 1kw of power. :sofa:

NoPeace - out
Yep, right now Im running a 750w Thermaltake Toughpower, beautiful PSU, but running an SLI with one of those woudl be nuts.. I would 'personally' jsut stick to using hafl that power with dual 8800's if it came down to that ;) The added 1 KW power is exponential, youll be paying more for the PSU, more for the cards, and your energy bill will go up about 30% on your computer usage (just for computer.. so it might be another 20-30 bucks a month). So, yoru in it for the long haul if you go that route.. it gets very expensive ;)