Animation for Zariche and Aka Weapons L2J 

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May 5, 2006
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Valinor - Brazil
I Did Find in the folder systextures/effectstextures.utx various files, after i see all name images :
1 - fx_m_t_3216 until fx_m_t_3239
2 - fx_m_t_3182 until fx_m_t_3192
3 - fx_m_t_3195 until fx_m_t_3205

How i go activation aura in the curseds swrds ? Is a beaultiful aura Aka and Zariche

Images did find here : Prints

ilicio - Animation for Zariche and Aka Weapons - RaGEZONE Forums

ilicio - Animation for Zariche and Aka Weapons - RaGEZONE Forums

ilicio - Animation for Zariche and Aka Weapons - RaGEZONE Forums
The Animations

I make one file in the Flash 8 for see the result. Look :

i don't know but thanks for name of anim will test it ^^

for activate this i will use H......x to see this on my server (old rev) but in new rev i don't know how to make it work

Thanks for all . . . If someone To find make the aura cursed weapons to work I geive tanks . . . I am working too...

I Have one idea . . . Look in the System ( dat file) WEAPONGRP . . . can are here . . .Good, I go work now...

The my images I get in the Interlude Cliente ( Korea), but images only ..(various) the animations I ake for see result understand?

But i dont know send in the game ...." Some Day" :P
The my images I get in the Interlude Cliente ( Korea), but images only ..(various) the animations I ake for see result understand?

But i dont know send in the game ...." Some Day" :P

ilicio you have a server?


ilicio você ja tem algum servidor de lineage?

sou administrador do l2master, só tem fera na equipe

se voce for bom, está convidado para entrar

pc é dedicado com link de 100mbp/s...

edit: olha isso...
Is like i afraid!!!

I think that is not the weapongrp.dat

but lineageeffect.u

I can't open it !!

Some know how??

And is not animations tha we need!! only utx files we need

By NikSp@ce​
Last edited:
Did u try utpt?I think it can partially open .u files but check the latest version to be sure.Or pm me to give u mine

Correction.It totally decrypts it.At least i think it did me asap.
I dont have server, I dont work in any server

Man I dont have server now...


Ae rapaz beleza? cara eu so trabalho em casa mesmo ... tenhu bastante conhecimento na
Sorryyy mansss .... auauahuahauhaua..

I only did talk .... my skills and sotwares in the know make ...edit and various utilities... look topic up for softwares ....dat, ini...blablablabla...

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