another problem please help me (T.rose.exe ? ? )

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 5, 2006
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My english isnt so good... but i think if you read it 2 or 3 times u know what i mean:) ok let's say my problem: ...when i log in to my server i click on my server and then i get my char... i click my char to log in to the world server, and then the game falls out. when i'm then on the deskop comes a screen with in it as title T.Rose.exe... i dont know how to expplain what stays in the screen..but its a problem please help me again.

thank you,
ok right it might be a few things Number 1 is the server files number 2 is the client malke sure u got all the Latest server files.... next make sure u have ran the trigger decet u should have when u first started the program... also Have u already been on the server logged off and now ur getting the Errror? if so dlete all the items from the Table Items DONT DLETE THE TABLE but inside the table