Another SQL problem..

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
SQLyog Enterprise Trial - MySQL GUI
Error No. 2003
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
OK Help

I searched the forums and every answer was "You don't have MySQL running." But I have everything I can think of related to MySQL running and I still get the error.. And no one's said what exactly to run.
when all else fails... uninstall everything and start over. it probably is a port issue though.

If you wipe everything try a program called xampp. its a good bundled package for everything related to webpage hosting, including mysql, php, and perl.
Yeah, I've been using xampp and had MySQL running from it too. And I would have re-installed but I could barely take waiting for it to load the MaNGOS databases the first time. (Took like, 7 hours?) I have no idea why it said it wasn't running, But it worked after about an hour.. Oh well. Thanks.